Enterprise Developer

  • Responsibilities

    • Assist in designing, developing, testing and troubleshooting enterprise applications.

    • Perform application coding based on project requirements.

    • Develop detail project specifications for new application developments and enhancements.

    • Support and maintain enterprise applications according to business needs.

    • Analyze and resolve application issues in a timely manner.

    • Develop effective programming solutions to meet project requirements.

    • Participate in design reviews and propose improvements.

    • Review and recommend changes to existing systems to improve performance and productivity.

    • Develop cost-reduction initiatives while maintaining the productivity.

    • Plan and execute assigned projects within deadlines.

    • Work with Manager in establishing project plan and schedules.

  • Enterprise development is the process of creating an application for use within an organization, or for sale to an organization.

    • enterprise applications may be specifically designed to accomplish a particular task relevant to an organization, such as employee timesheets or inventory management.

    • An enterprise application is developed to work within an organization's infrastructure,

    • By developing your own bespoke enterprise app, you can control every aspect.

    • Help to drive efficiency, streamline their operations or better engage their employees.

    • have much more control over your company data

    • They streamline or completely automate the low-level, mundane tasks. As a result, freeing your staff up to focus on higher value, more fulfilling work. All while driving the efficiency of your business!

    • Challenges

      • changing business requirements, ensuring return on investment, secruity, scalability,reliability,maintainablity, employee engagement

    • biggest benefit of enterprise apps is the employee insight you get. DAta

Things done

  • Create software features to the needs of business using technology implemented or tech that solves the problem

    • on greenfield or legacy applications

    • language, libraries and frameworks,

  • Documentation

  • Provide APIs and guis which work with and are used by mainly internal and external users

  • Integrate with multiple services, which work in different ways

  • Validate, transform, create, apply business rules, display, translate business workflows to code

  • Deal with data

  • Engineer solutions for software so that business can use, add and update software when needed using computer science and engineering knowledge

    • ie secruity, maintainablity, reliability, scalability

  • Make sure app does what it does, keep doing what it does after time or when features are added/updated/removed

    • Testing - automated/manual, CI

  • Part of the process to create, provide input, assess and time frame requirements

  • Work in a workflow that produces quality software which meets the business needs in a timely manner

    • agile, kanban, xp,

  • Monitor and solve problems on running applications

  • Deploy applications

    • cloud - public/private, private servers

  • management

    • recruitment, mentoring, teaching, inductions

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