Jupyter Notebook


  • steps

    • Install python3, pip3, jupyter (pip3 install jupyter)

    • run jupyter notebook, in desired location

      • Will start up server, and launch gui in browser

    • Click new tab on RHS, and choose python3, this will open new tab (Similar to google drive). Type file name at the top.

      • This will save a file in current directory that notebook server was started in, ie .ipynb


Run On Pycharm

  • Create project, in project create new Jupyter Notebook file.

  • Start Jupyter in terminal, in the logs look for the url, it will have a token in the name, copy this.

  • In pycharm, run the notebook, it will ask for the address, paste in what was copied.

  • It will now run the notebook in pycharm rather than the browser

Last updated