
Best practices

  • Google best practices =

Here is a list of common libraries that I have interacted with

  • Junit

  • Mockito

  • AssertJ

  • Hamcrest

  • Yatspec

    • Yatsepc fluent BDD extension

  • Pact

  • Findbugs

  • PMD

  • Pitest

  • Wiremock

  • Hibernate

  • C3po

  • FlywayDB

  • Log4J

  • slf4j

  • Logback

  • logbook

  • quartz

  • Business flows

    • Implementation of railway programming

  • Apache http client

  • Utterly Idle

  • utterly lazy

  • Jetty

  • Wicket

  • Jackson

  • jdom

  • guava

    • caching

  • Java

    • ZoneDateTime

    • Util

    • javax.servlet

  • tuples


Others I have seen in other teams

  • Spring Boot

Last updated