Rules for software designs
These can be contentious, every one has their own set, and some have a following (sometimes cultist)
There are not one set to rule them all, each have trade offs, some might work well in some domain but not in others
Nothing is perfect
this is just a list of some of the general rules
Kent Beck
The list:
Runs all the tests
Has no duplicated logic. Be wary of hidden duplication like parallel class hierarchies
States every intention important to the programmer
Has the fewest possible classes and methods
The list:
is well-covered by passing tests.
has no abstractions not directly needed by the program.
has unambiguous behavior.
the less ambiguous the code’s behavior is, the better chance we have of successfully changing it
this might mean writing more code or being more explicit, or even duplicating things here and there
requires the fewest number of concepts
To understand what code will actually do, we need to understand not only the domain, but also all of the concepts involved in that code
the more concepts exist in a design, the harder that design will be to understand.
Design is About Balancing Cohesion and Coupling
Not blindly following principles
Get shit done (lean/agile)
faster, better, cheaper than anyone.
Develop for today ( You are not gonna need it - YANGNI )
Do not forget tomorrow ( Do not Repeat Yourself )
Totally ignore days after tomorrow ( things change every month )
Fastest finger first wins
When the quality is high enough ( happy customer )
Tomorrow is taken care of ( build for immediate future )
Smallest Code wins
Given Tomorrow people would be able to understand it - ( Principle of Least Astonishment )
Code is provably correct ( CHC )
Developers gets judged on:
Less experience - how fast code and how much with quality
Higher experience - how much code they removed from existing source code base
Only measure of code compaction is - Kolmogorov complexity
Code complexity measures like Cyclomatic are dangerously modular ( Assembly Line Complexity )
in a product company, any product company, really, no one cares about the lines of code that have been written
Last updated