Rules for software designs

  • These can be contentious, every one has their own set, and some have a following (sometimes cultist)

  • There are not one set to rule them all, each have trade offs, some might work well in some domain but not in others

    • Nothing is perfect

  • this is just a list of some of the general rules

Kent Beck

The list:

  • Runs all the tests

  • Has no duplicated logic. Be wary of hidden duplication like parallel class hierarchies

  • States every intention important to the programmer

  • Has the fewest possible classes and methods


The list:

  • is well-covered by passing tests.

  • has no abstractions not directly needed by the program.

  • has unambiguous behavior.

    • the less ambiguous the code’s behavior is, the better chance we have of successfully changing it

    • this might mean writing more code or being more explicit, or even duplicating things here and there

  • requires the fewest number of concepts

    • To understand what code will actually do, we need to understand not only the domain, but also all of the concepts involved in that code

    • the more concepts exist in a design, the harder that design will be to understand.

  • Design is About Balancing Cohesion and Coupling

    • Not blindly following principles

Get shit done (lean/agile)

faster, better, cheaper than anyone.

  1. Develop for today ( You are not gonna need it - YANGNI )

  2. Do not forget tomorrow ( Do not Repeat Yourself )

  3. Totally ignore days after tomorrow ( things change every month )

  4. Fastest finger first wins

  5. When the quality is high enough ( happy customer )

  6. Tomorrow is taken care of ( build for immediate future )

  7. Smallest Code wins

  8. Given Tomorrow people would be able to understand it - ( Principle of Least Astonishment )

  9. Code is provably correct ( CHC )

  10. Developers gets judged on:

  11. Less experience - how fast code and how much with quality

  12. Higher experience - how much code they removed from existing source code base

  13. Only measure of code compaction is - Kolmogorov complexity

  14. Code complexity measures like Cyclomatic are dangerously modular ( Assembly Line Complexity )

in a product company, any product company, really, no one cares about the lines of code that have been written




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