Asynchronous Request and Reply
synchronously processing the client request before all the back end work is completed may not always be feasible
Becuase of
Takes too long, lots of processing
microservice architecture, lots of calls between services
Lots of wait time between I/O
Cannot have as client may need low latency (set SLAs) for a response to come back
Asynchronous Processing (HTTP Polling or Event Notification)
client does not need to wait
If passed to a message queue, can be sure that the requests reaches the server, which is not certain with direct sync requests.
How it works
The client makes an API request
The application now offloads the work to another back end service or message queue
The client can poll for the resource/process status using an HTTP GET (HTTP Polling) at regular intervals as appropriate for the client application
The status API returns “In-Progress” indicating the back end process is still running
Once the process completes, the status will return the required output or another reference to the resource
The application can also push event notifications once the process is complete without the need for the client to poll repeatedly
Imagine you’re too tired to make dinner and decide to place a takeaway order over the phone at your favorite restaurant (API request)
The restaurant provides you with an order number (Acknowledgement and reference identifier)
You arrive at the restaurant to pick up your order, provide them the order number and the restaurant staff informs you that your order is still not complete
If you’re particularly hungry, you might return to the reception to inquire about your order every 5–10 mins (HTTP Polling)
Or, the restaurant can provide you with a pager that buzzes once your order is complete (Event Notification)
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