Functional Looping

  • What we generally want to accomplish in a loop

    • Mapping an array of one type into an array of another type.

    • Filtering by finding all the items in an array satisfying some predicate.

    • Determining whether any or none of the items in an array satisfy some predicate.

    • Accumulating a count, sum or some other kind of cumulative result from an array.

    • Sorting the elements of an array into a particular order.

  • These operations can all be done using functional style over an imperative style (for/while)

    • Thus becomes declarative and readable, no mutating, tmp variables, no creating a collection and adding to it

    • Focus on the real work, rather than the house keeping

  • Functional style allows you to chain operations together

    • imperative, will lead to multiple loops, or composed loops

  • Implementing functional style might be unusual, so implement in imperative than refactor to functional

  • Just cause something can be writing in a functional style does not mean it is the only way or the best way to do it

    • Functional iteration, should be a go to, if the language or a library allows it

    • imperative style only if readablity or performance is necessary or can only do it imperatively

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