Best Practice

  • There are lot of ideas out there about best practice

  • They all have pros and cons

  • They all have specific usecase, some more general


  • Many are stated as rules, something that must follow

    • All are a just a lot of opinions, that have been used and works in some cases but not in others

  • Most are anecdotal, no statistics to back it up

  • Some may contradict themselves

  • Some may fight the others

  • Can be the easiest thing to do, to seem like doing something or improving something but might not be the right thing to do

  • They can get in the way of delivering value now and in the future

  • Applying something badly is worse than applying it at all

  • don’t have a regulating body to do this for us, which leads to these practices being insufficiently defined, applied inappropriately, and cherry picked.

  • There is a lot of information (some good, some bad)

    • Learning them is easiest

    • Applying them is easy

    • knowing when to use or adapt is harder

      • takes experience, seen the situation and consequences

  • knowing when to use is the hardest

How to use

  • Need to think about them

  • know the trade offs

  • For juniors, better to follow the best practice, and let more senior devs guide you for the exception

    • better than just creating crap code

Last updated