AWS Elastic Beanstalk

  • PaaS

    • platform as a services

    • platform allowing customers to develop, run and manage applications without the complexity of building and maintaining the infrastructure typically associated with developing and launching an app

  • Heroku of AWS

  • Choose platform, upload your code, it runs

    • without knowledge of the underlying infrastructure

  • Dont run enterprise apps on it

    • but it is used in prod, esp for startups

  • Powerd by cloudFormation template setting up

    • ELB

    • autoscaling groups

    • RDS database

    • EC2 instance preconfigured/custom for platforms

    • monitroing (cloudwatch)

    • in place & blue/green deployment

    • security (rotating passwords)

    • run docker env

  • Support multiple languages

  • Choose env

    • web app -> web env

      • create one or more EC2 in autoscaling group (ASG) with ELB

      • 2 types

        • load balanced env

          • designed to scale depending on traffic -> variable cost

        • single instance env

          • ASG used and set to 1

          • no elb, save costs

          • public IP to route traffic to server

    • background job -> worker env

      • create one or more EC2 in autoscaling group

      • SQS queue with sqs daemon on EC2 to communicate with SQS

      • Create cloudwatch to dynamically scale instances based on health

  • Deployment policy

    • Types

      • All at once

        • Process

          • deploy the new app version to all EC2 at same time

          • takes all instances out of service while deploying

          • servers become available after deployment

        • Fastest

        • dangerous, as downtime

          • might need to rollback all services

      • rolling

        • Process

          • deploy the new app version to a batch of instances at a time

          • Takes the batch's instances out of service while the deployment processes

          • reattaches the updated instances

          • Repeats for the next batch of instances until finished

        • Slower

        • reduced capacity for short periods

        • complicated rollbacks

      • rolling with additional batch

        • process

          • Launch new EC2 that will replace the current batch

          • deploy in new EC2

          • attach new batch and terminate existing old batch

        • Capacity is never reduced, service is always up

        • complicated rolling updates

        • slow

      • immutable

        • process

          • create new ASG with EC2 instnaces

          • deploy updated version to new EC2

          • point elb to new asg and delete old asg (thus terminate old ec2)

        • Safest way to deploy critical apps

        • rollbacks are easy

        • Can wait till new asg is correct (smoke tests etc)

        • automate rolbacks

        • Preferable

      • Blue/green

    • All applies for LB env

    • For single instance, only all at once and immutable

      • Nee LB to do the other two


Last updated