7 Monitoring and Aanlytics

  • Watch how things are going, use metrics and observing them to decide what to do

  • Alert to things that could go wrong in system

  • Gain insights into usage of system

  • Need visibility into the state of the system

Amazon Cloudwatch

  • Monitor applications and infrastructure in real time

  • tracking and monitoring metrics

  • Metrics

    • variables that are tied to your resources

  • Can apply rules around metrics (ie when reach a number)

    • Can alert monitoring users (people or apps) to perform some action that will turn off the alert

    • Cloud watch alarm (The rules to trigger alarm and action in Cloudwatch)

      • Integrated with SNS, so a notification can be sent to another service to perform an action

  • Dashboard

    • a feature that allows a user to view the metrics in real time

    • auto refreshing

  • Beneifts

    • access to metrics from all places in a central locations

    • visibility into your apps, infras and services

    • system wide view

    • Reduce MTTR (mean time to resolution) and improve TCO (total cost of ownership)

      • Frees up developers from fixing or spending time fixing issues and focus on features

      • Thus reducing costs and time

    • Drive insights and optimise apps and resources

AWS CloudTrail

  • Trust but verify

  • Everything is recorded (auditing)

  • Auditing tool for recording api calls

    • everything in AWS is an api call

  • Every request is recorded in cloud trail

  • Save logs in secure S3 buckets

  • Includes

    • api called

    • time of call

    • source ip address

    • how it was made

    • etc

  • Events are updated in cloud trail withing 15minutes

    • use of SNS/SQS or some streaming system like kafka

  • Cloudtrail insights

    • optional

    • automatically detects anomalies in api activities

AWS Trusted Advisor

  • Automated advisors

  • evaluate your resources against the following pillars:

    • cost optimization

    • performance

    • security

    • fault tolerance

    • service limits

  • Some are free

  • can see in console

    • shows three areas for each pillar

      • green: all good

      • orange: cost optimization

      • red: action recommended now

  • https://aws.amazon.com/products/management-tools

  • https://aws.amazon.com/products/management-tools/use-cases/monitoring-and-observability/

  • https://aws.amazon.com/products/management-tools/use-cases/configuration-compliance-and-auditing/

  • https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/mt/

  • https://docs.aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/latest/aws-governance-at-scale/introduction.html

Last updated