
Accessors and variable scope

  • variable scope is where the variable is accesible

  • parameters and variables declared in method are only avialable in that method.

    • when method ends, the reference of the variable goes away and cannot be accessed again

  • instance fields are avialable in any instance method in the class

    • accessors does not affect this

    • stays in scope until the object is deleted (garbage collector)

  • static variables are avialable

    • only defined in class not method

    • shared among all instances of any class.

    • not thread safe, must be made final

    • stays in scope until program ends

  • loop scope

    • where a variable is declared in the loop ie for loop, and is thus only accessed in the loop.

  • block scope

    • variable declared in block, ie if block, can only be used in that block, when block finishes it is destroyed.

  • This

    • Example:

      private String username;
      public void changeUsername(String newName) {
        this.username = newName;
    • Conflicting local variable and class variable has the same name.

    • this prevents conflicts

    • this refers to the class variable


Package protected (default)



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