Turing Machine

  • original idea of a computing machine was described by Alan Turing

  • theoretical model of a computer, which a lot of computers are based on

  • Turing machine consists of the following four basic elements

    • A tape, which is divided into cells, one next to the other. Each cell contains a symbol from some finite alphabet. This tape is assumed to be infinitely long on both ends. It can be read or written

      • memory and disks

    • A head that can read and write symbols on the tape.

      • I/O controllers (memory bus, disk controllers, and network port)

    • A table of instructions that tell the machine what to do next, based on the current state of the machine and the symbols it is reading on the tape

    • A state register that stores the states of the machine

      • state + table = cpu

  • Turing machine has two assumptions, which is not real in live software:

    • unlimited storage space

    • completing a task regardless of the amount of time it takes

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