Condition variable
Two people just made a slow cooker full of delicious hot soup and one is ready to dig in.
But they should take turns to make sure they each get their fair share of soup.
In this scenario, there are two hungry threads competing for access to a shared resource, the soup, and the slow cooker lid will act as a mutex to protect it.
Only the thread that holds the lid can check to see how much soup is left, determine if it's their turn to take the next serving and modify the amount of soup that's left by taking some.
One thread is wasting a lot of energy repeatedly acquiring the mutex to check for a certain condition, to see if it's their turn to take more soup, and they'll continue doing that until my thread eventually gets scheduled, so the other thread can acquire the lid, see that it's my turn and take my serving.
What I was doing is called busy waiting or spinning,
repeatedly acquiring and releasing the lock to check for a certain condition to continue.
It isn't very efficient, especially if it goes on for a long time.
This is one of the limitations of using just a mutex. Sure, it restricts multiple threads from taking soup at the same time, but the mutex alone doesn't give our threads a way to signal each other to synchronize our actions.
To do that, we can use another mechanism called a condition variable which serves as a queue or container for threads that are waiting for a certain condition to occur.
Think of it as a place for threads to wait and be notified.
The condition variable is associated with a mutex and they work together to implement a higher level construct called a monitor.
Monitors protect a critical section of code with mutual exclusion, and they provide the ability for threads to wait or block until a certain condition has become true, along with a mechanism to signal those waiting threads when their condition has been met.
Conceptually, you can think of a monitor like a room that contains the procedures and shared data that you want to protect. Only one thread can be in that room at a time to use those procedures and access the data. The mutex is a lock on the door.
Other threads that try to enter the protective section while it's occupied will wait outside in a condition variable, which is like a waiting room.
They might all be waiting for the same condition to occur before they enter the monitor room, or
there might be multiple condition variables or multiple waiting rooms, waiting for different conditions to occur to acquire that same mutex.
When the thread inside the monitor finishes its business in the critical section, it will signal one of the conditions that it's their turn to execute, then it releases its lock on the door to exit the critical section.
One of the threads waiting for that condition that was signaled will wake up and take its turn in the monitor, locking the door behind it, so it can execute the critical section.
Now, the condition variable has three main operations.
Wait, signal, and broadcast.
Before using a condition variable, I first need to acquire the mutex associated with it, check for my condition, I see that it's not my turn to take more soup, so I'll use the condition variable's wait operation, which releases my lock on the mutex and then puts my thread to sleep or a pause state and places it into a queue waiting for another thread to signal that somebody else takes the soup. - Since Baron released his lock on the lid before going to sleep, now I can acquire it, see that it's my turn to take some soup, so I'll do that. Then, I'll use the signal operation to wake up a single thread from the waiting queue, so it can acquire the lock. Depending on the language you're using, you will also see this operation called notify or wake. Baron, wake up, it's your turn to take some soup. Finally, I'll release my lock on the mutex.
Ah, my turn. The third condition variable operation, broadcast, is similar to the signal operation except that it wakes up all of the threads in the waiting queue. You may also see it called things like notify all or wake call. Now, in this little scenario, we only had two threads signaling each other on a single condition, that somebody took soup which then changes whose turn it is to take the next serving. A more common use case that requires multiple condition variables is implementing a shared queue or buffer. If multiple threads will be putting items in a queue and taking them out, then it needs a mutex to ensure that only one thread can add or remove items from it at a time, and for that, we can use two condition variables. If a thread tries to add an item to the queue, which is already full, then it can wait on a condition variable to indicate when the buffer is not full. And if a thread tries to take an item but the queue's empty, then it can wait on another condition variable for BufferNotEmpty.
These condition variables enable threads to signal each other when the state of the queue changes.
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