Module 1 - Intro to AWS

  • Client Server Model

    • Server is an app on EC2 (an instance)

    • client ie browser

    • Server ie app running on computer

      • a services like Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2)

    • client makes requests to server

      • The server evaluates requests, and fulfils it and sends response back to client

  • Only pay for what you use (AWS key value)

    • For increased load -> increase EC2 instances to handle load

    • For decreased load -> decrease EC2 instances

    • Done manually or via rules which add/remove instances automatically

  • Cloud computing

    • DEFN - The on demand delivery of IT resources over the internet with a PAYG pricing

      • on demand delivery -> AWS has the resources you need when needed, without telling them

      • IT resources -> like databases, memory etc

        • How you provision the resources does nto matter

        • What is on them (data), how it is structured, how its used does differentiate your buisness

        • Undifferentiated heavy lifting of IT - AWS helps with this part

    • Deployment models

      • Cloud based

        • Run all parts of the application in the cloud.

        • Migrate existing applications to the cloud.

        • Design and build new applications in the cloud.

        • Can build on low level infrastructure that your IT staff maanges or use high level services that reduce management/architecting/scaling requirements

      • On Premises (private cloud deployment)

        • Deploy resources by using virtualization and resource management tools.

        • Increase resource utilization by using application management and virtualization technologies.

        • Resoources deployed on premises by using virtualization (docker) and resource management (K8s)

        • Similar to legacy IT, but tech used increases resource utilization

      • Hybrid

        • Connect cloud-based resources to on-premises infrastructure.

        • Integrate cloud-based resources with legacy IT applications.

        • Example: Connecting legacy app on site due regulations or better maintained, can pass off parts of the service to the cloud

    • Benefits of Cloud

      • Trade upfrount expense for variable expense

        • Instead of buying resources upfront (ie data centers, physical servers) before using them -> upfront expense

        • Variable expense -> only pay for computing resources you consume

        • implement solutions while saving on costs

      • Stop spending money to run and maintain data centers

        • Allows you focus on the applications and customers

        • AWS handles this

      • Stop guessing capacity

        • Dont predict how much resources are needed

        • scale only in response to demand, rather than scaling earlier and over spending on extra unused resources

      • Massive economies of scale

        • reduce costs of buy resources on own

        • costs are cheaper, as more resources are bought in bulk at cheaper rates

      • Increase speed and agiilty

        • Easier to develop and deploy apps

        • Increase time to experiment and innovate

        • Dont have to wait for time to procure

      • Go global in minutes

        • Due to reach of AWS, app is deployed globally to customers with low latency

  • Links



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