Software Actions
As developers, we change software (including creating new Apps, deleting etc).
Changing can make software easier or harder to change in the future
Being able to change software, can be easier or harder depending on how it was written in the past
Four reasons to change software
Changing behaviour/functionality (Adding a feature & Fixing a bug)
The software behaves one way, and users say that the system needs to do something else
Both are changing the behaviour of the software
It's subjective to the users if the changing the behaviour is fixing a bug or adding feature
To others it matters
As bugs and features are tracked, for quality or contractual reasons
Behavior is the most important thing about software. It is what users depend on.
Users like it when we add behavior (provided it is what they really wanted),
but if we change or remove behavior they depend on (introduce bugs), they stop trusting us.
Adding a method doesn’t change behavior unless the method is called somehow
In agile thinking, both are the same, just feedback to improve the software to get closer to the end goal of the user
Improving a design (Refactoring)
When we want to alter software’s structure to make it more maintainable, generally we want to keep its behavior intact also
if we lose previous behaviour then it is a bug
People are scared of refactoring, but gain confidence if behaviour have a set of tests to prevent loss of behaviour
Mainly changing structure of code
Optimising resource usage
Similar to refactoring
instead of program structure, we change how we use some resource ie time or memory
Making risky changes
Preserving existing behaviour despite adding new behaviour or fixing bugs or refactoring is a challenge
To mitigate risk, we have to ask three questions:
What changes do we have to make?
How will we know that we’ve done them correctly?
How will we know that we haven’t broken anything?
How much change can you afford if changes are risky?
How teams avoid risk in making changes
They minimize the number of changes that they make to the code base
“If it’s not broke, don’t fix it.”
Just being cautious
But this will still lead to problems
the existing ones grow larger and harder to understand.
When you make changes in any large system, you can expect to take a little time to get familiar with the area you are working with
The difference between good systems and bad ones is that,
in the good ones, you feel pretty calm after you’ve done that learning, and you are confident in the change you are about to make.
You have a safety net -> tests
In poorly structured code, the move from figuring things out to making changes feels like jumping off a cliff to avoid a tiger. You hesitate and hesitate.
Avoiding change has other bad consequences
Lose the skill
fear the code base
become slower at the change
Reduce risk in making changes, having tests
To avoid the issues above
Have tests or a safety net
To avoid bad changes from leaking out
We make some changes, run the tests to make sure nothing else has changed
As part of making software, we need to have automated tests
Last updated
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