Wrong abstractions

  • What happens when refactoring or DRYing code is done too early

    • Which can lead to redoing these abstractions

  • duplication is far cheaper than the wrong abstraction

  • The premature abstraction leaves an imprint for how code should be done in future, so future changes will try and maintain the abstraction which leads to worse code & complexity instead of creating a better abstraction

    • Sunk cost fallacy


  • Wait for duplication to be repeated 3 times before abstracting

  • Duplication is ok, up to a point

  • When dealing with wrong abstraction

    • inline and start again, maybe extract out new abstraction if necessary


  • If you find yourself passing parameters and adding conditional paths through shared code, the abstraction is incorrect.

  • https://sandimetz.com/blog/2016/1/20/the-wrong-abstraction

  • https://alexkondov.com/the-cost-of-wrong-abstractions/

  • https://www.codewithjason.com/duplication-cheaper-wrong-abstraction/

    • an opposite view

  • https://blog.awesomesoftwareengineer.com/p/duplication-is-better-than-wrong-abstraction

Last updated