
Tooling for working as backend engineer

This is also for personal and professional use,

  • Physical

    • laptop - work one with security setup

    • key board

    • mouse

    • good chair and desk, possible footstool

    • headphones and microphone

    • dock to connect all items

    • monitors - need to keep at eye level so many need stands/books to place underneath

  • Coding

    • Use some sort of IDE

      • Intellij

      • VScode

    • Install plugins in your IDE to improve the efficiency and experience of coding - too many can use up too much memory

    • Set up templates

    • setup auto complete rules

    • Setup colours, background, fonts etc

    • setup memory/settings to optimise IDE

  • Editing files

    • In terminal

      • Nano

      • Vim/vi (most popular esp on servers)

    • In OS

      • Atom

      • Notepad++

      • Sublime

  • Terminal

    • standard one that comes with OS should be fine

    • bash

    • zsh

    • shell

    • Have tools that you can use in terminal ie openssl, curl, ping etc

  • Browsers

    • Chrome

    • Firefox

    • Extensions - too many and can take up to much memory

      • json/xml/md renderer

      • suspender

      • Wiremock

      • safety/ad blockers

  • Http Client

    • Postman

    • curl

  • artifacts - services that need to be signed up to, hosted locally or third party

    • artifactory

    • maven

    • gcr

    • dockerhub

    • helm

  • Log searcher

    • splunk

    • ELK

  • Pdf viewer

    • Foxit

    • adobe

  • Word document

    • Word

    • libreoffice

    • Office 365

    • google docs

  • Spreadsheet

    • excel

    • libreoffice

    • google sheets

  • presentations

    • powerpoint

    • google

    • prezi

  • shared whiteboard

    • miro

    • microsoft whiteboard

    • drawing program over shared screen

  • diagramming

    • visio

    • google

  • File comparator

    • meld

  • Password keeper

    • keypass

    • vault (company host solution)

  • Communications/screen sharing

    • slack

    • Whatsapp

    • zoom

    • teams

    • drovio

    • outlook

  • Database

    • dbeaver

    • squirrel

    • oracle sql developer

  • Network

    • wireshark

  • Shared storage

    • Dropbox

    • one drive

    • google drive

  • General

    • Google account

      • mail, drive, doc

    • microsoft 360 account

  • CI servers

    • Just a computer or service

    • docker

  • kanban

    • jira

    • trello

    • microsoft planner

  • notes

    • one note

    • keep

    • simple notepad

    • slack

Last updated