
  • Learn about computers, software etc for a general overview

    • Have you computer setup - software, ide, install stuff etc

  • Learn how to use the command line

    • line about operating systems, just read about the ideas

    • search, list, navigate, viewing, permissions, manipulate files and folders

    • pipes, nano/vim

    • env variables, process

    • bash scripts, bash profiles

  • Learn git, github and how to use them

    • init, add, commit, push, pull, clone, fork, branch, remote, merge, reset, stauts, logs, pull requests

    • command line, and via gui

  • Learn the basics of a language

    • variables (creating, updating, types), decisions, looping, methods

    • comments, maths statements, printing output

    • Input from terminal, handle strings, regex

    • Files - reading, writing

    • arrays, Lists and maps

    • Use libray methods that come with language, read documentation

    • Do python or java track on

    • Do some small exercises to solve problems, be able to read the solutions of others

    • Do fizzbuzz

    • Automate something, get used to building a script that does something useful

  • Use an IDE (intellij/vscode), learn short cuts and its main features, use plugins

  • Learn how to split requirements into actionable features in your code

  • Learn object oriented design

    • Start using java or typed language

    • Topics ????

    • Do fizzbuzz

  • Learn to use build and dependency manager like maven/gradle

  • Learn to write tests

    • learn to use a mocking framework

  • Build a program in OO way

    • fizzbuzz

  • Learn TDD

  • Solve some simple OO problems

    • Airport

  • Learn how the internet works

    • http, https, http/2, tcp, ip, networks, OSI model, tls, rest, soap, ftp, dns, wireshark, push/pull, websockets, browsers/clients, browser dev tools, headers

    • api, formats (xml, json), postman, cache,

    • html, css, javascript for front end

  • Learn about databases

  • Learn more features of the language and libraries

    • functional

    • Call http api and learn how http/networks works

    • use a database, sql and nosql

    • Build a webserver

    • serialize and deserialize standard formats like json, xml

    • use properties

    • create and run jars

  • Create an api in agile manner

    • learn about agile

  • Dockerise app and run

  • Go deeper in to the langauge, frameworks, design/engineering, frontend, devops, computer science, integration, caches, proxies, load balancers, container management

  • More projects

    • build something wiht front end that people can use

    • refactor some good to be better engineered

    • Increase performance

Last updated