Learn about computers, software etc for a general overview
Have you computer setup - software, ide, install stuff etc
Learn how to use the command line
line about operating systems, just read about the ideas
search, list, navigate, viewing, permissions, manipulate files and folders
pipes, nano/vim
env variables, process
bash scripts, bash profiles
Learn git, github and how to use them
init, add, commit, push, pull, clone, fork, branch, remote, merge, reset, stauts, logs, pull requests
command line, and via gui
Learn the basics of a language
variables (creating, updating, types), decisions, looping, methods
comments, maths statements, printing output
Input from terminal, handle strings, regex
Files - reading, writing
arrays, Lists and maps
Use libray methods that come with language, read documentation
Do python or java track on
Do some small exercises to solve problems, be able to read the solutions of others
Do fizzbuzz
Automate something, get used to building a script that does something useful
Use an IDE (intellij/vscode), learn short cuts and its main features, use plugins
Learn how to split requirements into actionable features in your code
Learn object oriented design
Start using java or typed language
Topics ????
Do fizzbuzz
Learn to use build and dependency manager like maven/gradle
Learn to write tests
learn to use a mocking framework
Build a program in OO way
Learn TDD
Solve some simple OO problems
Learn how the internet works
http, https, http/2, tcp, ip, networks, OSI model, tls, rest, soap, ftp, dns, wireshark, push/pull, websockets, browsers/clients, browser dev tools, headers
api, formats (xml, json), postman, cache,
html, css, javascript for front end
Learn about databases
Learn more features of the language and libraries
Call http api and learn how http/networks works
use a database, sql and nosql
Build a webserver
serialize and deserialize standard formats like json, xml
use properties
create and run jars
Create an api in agile manner
learn about agile
Dockerise app and run
Go deeper in to the langauge, frameworks, design/engineering, frontend, devops, computer science, integration, caches, proxies, load balancers, container management
More projects
build something wiht front end that people can use
refactor some good to be better engineered
Increase performance
Last updated
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