
  • https://examples.javacodegeeks.com/software-development/use-wiremock-for-mocking/

  • https://semaphoreci.com/community/tutorials/restful-integration-testing-with-wiremock-in-java

  • https://github.com/vladimir-dejanovic/wiremock-examples

  • https://youtu.be/aANqNIY2IjY WireMock Introduction and Basic Integration Test Setup to Mock HTTP Communication

Why use?

  • If using a library that makes http calls under the hood, you can write a test with wiremock intercepting the url.

    • This will help you find the request which is sent

      • This is useful if you need to prime (say stub for manual testing) response to look for a specific request

      • Assert in acceptance/end to end tests that the client made the correct request

  • Can use to create stub application, to bring up while component testing your application

    • This way you have control of priming responses dependent on matching different parts of the incoming request

    • Can use a scenario build, to match on same request, but have different response

    • One place to prime multiple applications that interact with your application under test

    • If app interacts with a non http producer (ie telnet), you can create a proxy side car, which starts a server (ie telnet server) that mimics productions, which then talks to a stub which can be easily primed

  • Useful for writing tests, to prime the givens (ie what is expected to be returned from service)

  • If dont want to create a stub, can use wiremock docker instance and a wiremock chrome extension

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