Your role in software is given many titles, but they all amount to one thing:
Using software to increase the amount of money coming in and reduce the amount of money going out
You are a money maker
It is not about the software, the software is a tool. For example, building a system vs doing it manually should be considered as alternatives which meet the buisness needs. If doing manually is cheaper (Saves money) or makes more money than build a software system (and all that comes with it ie maintance etc), then it should be done manually.
It is not about the tech, if a system is in place, but the tech is old, then we use that tech until it is costing us money or not making as much money. But then we have issues like migrating functionality, and all of it with out losing the hacks and edge cases etc.
The tech is the tool, use what you have or given, or if you have the option choose what will best suit the situation.
Not taking the money (business needs) into account, leads to you being marginalised from the decision making process, and forced to do things which you could have had say in whether it is money effective to do so. That leads to a lot issues etc
This means having soft skills, as you need to interact with the business, who are people.
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