Design ideas

Here is a list of design ideas that software can be engineered for. These, all have a cost, and some have conflict with each other. Prioritizing this list, and implementing some of these up to a certain point, is the goal of engineering

  • accessibility

    • Software that is accessible, allows users to be able to consume the software by taking into account any impairment

      • ie make fonts larger, better contrast, voice instead of text

    • For Backend

  • affordability

    • The cost of software, its creations/maintainace/use

  • compatibility

    • The software works in different environments or programs

      • ie windows or unix, ie7 or firefox, hardware requirements

  • customizability

    • How easy it is for the user to change to suit its needs

  • dependability

  • effectiveness

  • fault tolerance

  • integrity

  • mobility

  • portability

  • provability

  • reproducibility

  • safety

  • securability

  • sustainability

  • accountability

  • agility

  • composability

  • debugability

  • deployability

  • efficiency

  • fidelity

  • interoperability

  • modifiability

  • precision

  • recoverability

  • resilience

  • scalability

  • simplicity

  • tailorability

  • accuracy

  • auditability

  • configurability

  • degradability

  • discoverability

  • usability

  • flexibility

  • learnability

  • modularity

  • predictability

  • relevance

  • responsiveness

  • seamlessness

  • stability

  • testability

  • adaptability

  • autonomy

  • correctness

  • determinability

  • distributability

  • extensibility

  • inspectability

  • maintainability

  • operability process

  • capabilities

  • reliability

  • reusability

  • self-sustainability

  • standards compliance

  • timeliness

  • administrability

  • availability

  • credibility

  • demonstrability

  • durability

  • failure transparency

  • installability

  • manageability

  • orthogonality

  • producibility

  • repeatability

  • robustness

  • serviceability

  • survivability

  • traceability

Last updated