Continuous Delivery
CD is an approach of automating the steps of delivering code to production. From the time when a developer commits a change to when that change is deployed to production, any step that can be automated, should be -ie testing, change control, the process of deployment, etc.
is to reduce the time and effort required to deploy code.
improves the repeatability and auditability of your deployment process.
A repeatable process is inherently less risky, which can encourage organizations to release more often and with smaller changesets
Automating deployments greatly improves transparency, which naturally improves auditability
Automated deployments can also generate reports that can also help with auditing.
Scripts can be stored in version control, allowing for easy review
A whole ethos
CD generally encompases
Trunk based development
Developer led testing ie tdd
Agility and CD
The purpose of agility is to satisfy the customer, via continous delivery of valuable software
Both are linked
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