Why use?

How do we leverage in-house Java resources to build modern-looking UIs for our web applications and minimize the overhead cost of having to hire front-end developers and not have to maintain multiple technologies? What is the productivity gain we can achieve by sticking with one language for web application development and avoid context switching between JS based client-side (Sencha ExtJS, JQuery, PrimeFaces, Angular, etc) and Java for the server-side? What is the path of least resistance to migrate our existing legacy/monolithic systems or Swing desktop application to the modern web such that we avoid technical debt in the long run?

you can leverage your in-house back-end (Java) resources to build modern-looking UIs for your business web apps without having to deal with multiple front-end technologies. build web applications in one language (Java), ensure type safety, web-security, and avoid context switching like when JS is used on client-side and Java on server-side. enables you to go-to-market faster

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