Clean Code
Notes DevTernity 2021: Victor Rentea – Clean Code, Two Decades Later
Avoid unnecessary comparisons
Dont compare against boolean
Avoid negations
in conditionals
Return boolean from statement, rather than using if statement
Simplify boolean expressions
extract to methods with meaningful names
Avoid null pointer exceptions in conditionals
check for null onf arguments before checks for domain specific illegal values, check for common default values then specific values
Avoid switch fallthrough
use break at the end of each case
use default to catch call
Always use braces with if/else
Ensure code symmetry
Keep all branches in if/else the same, seperate different to seperate if block
Replace magic numbers with constants
Favour enums over integer constants
For-each over for loops
Avoid collection modification during iteration
Avoid compute intense operations during iteration
Group with new lines
Favour string format over concat
Favour Java API over DIY API
Use java naming conventions
Avoid single letter names and abbreivations
Fail fast
Always catch most specific exceptions
In exceptions, explain cause in the message
In exception show the stack trace
Always check type before casting
Always close resources
Explain Empty Catch
Structure Tests Into Given-When-Then
Use Meaningful Assertions
Use Reasonable Tolerance Values
Let JUnit Handle Exceptions
Describe Your Tests
Favor Standalone Tests
Parametrize Your Tests
Cover the Edge Cases
Split Method with Boolean Parameters
Split Method with Optional Parameters
Favor Abstract Over Concrete Types
Favor Immutable Over Mutable State
Combine State and Behavior
Avoid Leaking References
Avoid Returning Null
Favor Lambdas Over Anonymous Classes
Favor Functional Over Imperative Style
Favor Method References Over Lambdas
Avoid Side Effects
Use Collect for Terminating Complex Streams
Avoid Exceptions in Streams
Favor Optional Over Null
Avoid Optional Fields or Parameters
Use Optionals as Streams
Last updated