
Clean Code








  • DevTernity 2021: Victor Rentea – Clean Code, Two Decades Later


  • Avoid unnecessary comparisons

    • Dont compare against boolean

  • Avoid negations

    • in conditionals

  • Return boolean from statement, rather than using if statement

  • Simplify boolean expressions

    • extract to methods with meaningful names

  • Avoid null pointer exceptions in conditionals

    • check for null onf arguments before checks for domain specific illegal values, check for common default values then specific values

  • Avoid switch fallthrough

    • use break at the end of each case

    • use default to catch call

  • Always use braces with if/else

  • Ensure code symmetry

    • Keep all branches in if/else the same, seperate different to seperate if block

  • Replace magic numbers with constants

  • Favour enums over integer constants

  • For-each over for loops

  • Avoid collection modification during iteration

  • Avoid compute intense operations during iteration

  • Group with new lines

  • Favour string format over concat

  • Favour Java API over DIY API

  • Use java naming conventions

  • Avoid single letter names and abbreivations

  • Fail fast

  • Always catch most specific exceptions

  • In exceptions, explain cause in the message

  • In exception show the stack trace

  • Always check type before casting

  • Always close resources

  • Explain Empty Catch

  • Structure Tests Into Given-When-Then

  • Use Meaningful Assertions

  • Use Reasonable Tolerance Values

  • Let JUnit Handle Exceptions

  • Describe Your Tests

  • Favor Standalone Tests

  • Parametrize Your Tests

  • Cover the Edge Cases

  • Split Method with Boolean Parameters

  • Split Method with Optional Parameters

  • Favor Abstract Over Concrete Types

  • Favor Immutable Over Mutable State

  • Combine State and Behavior

  • Avoid Leaking References

  • Avoid Returning Null

  • Favor Lambdas Over Anonymous Classes

  • Favor Functional Over Imperative Style

  • Favor Method References Over Lambdas

  • Avoid Side Effects

  • Use Collect for Terminating Complex Streams

  • Avoid Exceptions in Streams

  • Favor Optional Over Null

  • Avoid Optional Fields or Parameters

  • Use Optionals as Streams

Last updated