These are unique values, primarily used as a way to distinguish different data (even if data in a row is the same)
This is used for primary keys, indexes etc
Issues crop up when creating Ids when
a lot of unique ids per time interval ie 10000 per second
due to lots of writes to the systems
Uniqueness constraints may not be possible through default database implementation
Type of ids may be constrained due to disk space
ie can only have 64 bit, where as a common standard might be UUID (128bit)
Ids may be constrained by ordering
ie may need to be ordered by date of creation
Issues with using time in distributed creation can be clock synchonisation
Issues with distributed systems creating ids
synchonization problems, may end up with incorrect same id
availability of the system
Size of id can limit total number of ids that can Generated
Thus need to do a reset or implement a new type of generation and thus migration of old ids
Default database
Ticket server
mulit master replication
Twitter snowflake
Last updated
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