Event Driven Architecture

  • https://youtu.be/DQ5Cbt8DQbM

  • https://martinfowler.com/articles/201701-event-driven.html

  • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=STKCRSUsyP0

  • https://moneystock.net/wp_e/2021/05/28/4-types-of-event-driven-architecture-by-martin-fowler/

  • https://youtu.be/DQ5Cbt8DQbM

  • https://www.datamachines.io/blog/asynchronous-thinking-for-microservice-system-design

  • https://www.alexdebrie.com/posts/event-driven-vs-event-based/


  • When publishing events to a queue, we normally store that event in a db (to have replayability)

    • Unfortunately, if the event is sent off to the queue before being persisted,

      • then the message could be sent off but the db might fail -> so if there is a failure that needs to be replayed, it cannot

      • or the event is sent and processed by another consumer, but needs the data from the db (which might not have been persisted before the next consumer needs it)

    • To solve -> store the event (or details) in the db before publishing

  • But this solution (save before publish) can have issues too

    • as the message broker could be down, and thus the event is never sent

    • solution -> fallback

      • if the message does not reach the broker add it to a another table in db and have another service (with cron job) to read from and publish it to the broker

        • this can involve retry mechanisms

      • could also put it on a retry queue, where the broker handles the schedule

      • issues

        • message can be out of order

    • solution -> outbox

      • when sending the event, just store in the database

      • Then another service on cron job, will grab the event (or details to make an event) from the db, and publish it

      • can invovle retries and fallback

      • once succesfully published, can update record or delete from db, so not republished

      • Issues

        • can put extra load on db

Last updated

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