8 Pricing and Support
careful about exhausting credit
AWS Free Tier
Always free
sagemaker, comprehend medical, dynamnodb, sns, cognito
12 months free
lamdba: 1 mill free invocations per month
dynamodb: 25gb per month
S3: free for 12 months for up to 5GB standard storage
lightsail: 1 month free trail of 750 hours usage
AWS pricing concepts
pay for what you use
no long term contracts or complex licensing
Pay less when you reserve
offer discount to reserved (contract) than on demand
Pay less with volumen based discounts when use more
The per unit cost decreases with increased usaged
ie S3
AWS Pricing Calculator
Helps create estimates for use case of AWS
Create groups of esitmates for organisation
ie check which region/instance type is most cost efficient
Billing Dashboard
To pay your bill
monitor usage
analyse and control costs
publish cost and usage reports
create budgets
purchase and manage plans
Consolidated Billing
simplifies billing process
share svaings accross accounts
free feature
Part of AWS Organisation
manages multiple AWS accounts from central location
receive single bill for all accounts in the org
track combined costs of all accounts
Max accounts is 4, but increase
AWS Budgets
Set custom bugets for usage, instance reservations and costs
proactively notified if going near or over (ie email/sns)
update 3 times a day
AWS Cost Explorer
visualise, understand and manage costs and usage over time
Has default report of cost and usuage for top 5 highest costs
Can apply filters and groupings
Can tag resources with tags
AWS Support Plans
All get the free Basic Support
access to whitepapers, documentation, and support communities
Can contact AWS for billing questions and service limit increases
24/7 support
trusted advisor (limited)
personal health dashboard
alerst and remediation guidance
Other plans are pay by month and no long term contracts
Developer support
includes basic
open unrestricted number of tech support cases
Best practice guidance
Client-side diagnostic tools
Building-block architecture support
guidance for how to use AWS offerings, features, and services together
help you to identify opportunities for combining specific services and features.
Business support
Use-case guidance to identify AWS offerings, features, and services that can best support your specific needs
All AWS Trusted Advisor checks
Limited support for third-party software, such as common operating systems and application stack components
contact AWS Support for assistance with installing, configuring, and troubleshooting the operating system
Enterprise On-Ramp Support
A pool of Technical Account Managers to provide proactive guidance and coordinate access to programs and AWS experts
A Cost Optimization workshop (one per year)
A Concierge support team for billing and account assistance
tools to monitor costs and performance through Trusted Advisor and Health API/Dashboard
Consultative review and architecture guidance (one per year)
Infrastructure Event Management support (one per year)
Support automation workflows
30 minutes or less response time for business-critical issues
Enterprise Support
A designated Technical Account Manager to provide proactive guidance and coordinate access to programs and AWS experts
Concierge support team for billing and account assistance
Operations Reviews and tools to monitor health
Training and Game Days to drive innovation
Tools to monitor costs and performance through Trusted Advisor and Health API/Dashboard
Consultative review and architecture guidance
Infrastructure Event Management support
Cost Optimization Workshop and tools
Support automation workflows
15 minutes or less response time for business-critical issues
Technical Account Manager (TAM)
primary point of contact at AWS.
For Enterprise and on ramp support
AWS Marketplace
Find, test and buy software that runs on AWS
information on pricing options, available support, and reviews from other AWS customers.
explore software solutions by industry and use case
Last updated