Scaling Webservices
Where most of your business logic will live.
consider whether you need them in the first place and what tradeoffs you are willing to make.
benefits such as
promoting reuse
higher levels of abstraction
drawbacks such as
higher up-front development costs
increased complexity
Designing Web Services
Need for web services
to expose alternative ways to interact with web applications by providing different types of application programming interfaces (APIs)
the need for integration and reuse grew with size of applications
Different clients/UIs (web/mobile etc) sharing the same logic/apis
Web Services as an Alternative Presentation Layer
the api is the presentation layer
To develop web services (monolothic way)
to build the web application first and then add web services as an alternative interface to it.
your web application is a single unit with extensions built on top of it to allow programmatic access to your data and functionality without the need to process HTML and JavaScript
web application is developed, deployed, and executed as a single unit
web services would be implemented as a set of additional controllers and views, allowing clients to interact with your system without having to go through html
ie first build the ui (html/css etc), and your business logic (mvc framework)
After the core functionality was complete, you would then add web services to your web application when a particular need arose
you can add features and make changes to your code at very high speed, especially in early phases of development
Not having APIs reduces the number of components, layers, and the overall complexity of the system, which makes it easier to work with
reduce integration costs
Easy to get MVP out there
defer implementation of any web service code until you have proven that your product works and that it is worth further development
not every web application needs an API, and designing every web application with a distinct web services layer may be just unnecessary overengineering
Good for simplest systems
For complex systems not the best
Not great for scalability
Not great for long term maintenance
all of the code in a single application, you now have to develop and host it all together
ok for small team working on it, but once the team expands it becomes difficult to work on, merges take longer
as everyone needs to understand the whole system and make changes to the same codebase.
There will be potential future costs as the product becomes more successful
As the applicaiton grows in size
flexibility of making quick, ad hoc changes becomes less important
the separation of concerns and building higher levels of abstraction become much more important
API First
implies designing and building your API contract first and then building clients consuming that API and the actual implementation of the web service
Does not matter what is built first, the client or server
a solution to the problem of multiple user interfaces
Allows mutliple clinets to access the service via a programmatic interface
All clients will use a single api to provide the business logic
API-first is better suited for more mature systems and more stable companies than it is for early phase startups.
REduces duplication of logic handled for different clients
you only need to maintain one copy of that code, easy to change and add features
Encapsulates logic, so clients can focus on their needs
changing client code becomes easier
Easier to scale
use functional partitioning and divide your web services layer into a set of smaller independent web service
Different teams can work on different clients and services
Decouples layers, easier to understand system and changes will not have affects on other layers
can scale services and clients differently to meet their needs
different services and clients can use different technologies to better meet their needs
Difficult to implement
over engineering is an issue
integration, monitoring and deployments can be an issue (cost, time etc)
requires more planning, knowledge about your final requirements, and engineering resources
requires more planning, knowledge about your final requirements, and engineering resources
Pragmatic - combination
think of a web services layer and service-oriented architecture from day one, but implementing it only when you see that it is truly necessary
when you see a use case that can be easily isolated into aseparate web service and that will most likely require multiple clients performing the same type of functionality, then you should consider building a web service for it.
when you are just testing the waters with very loosely defined requirements, you may be better off by starting small and learning quickly
Which approach depends
Stage of development
if you go for that hybrid approach, you are in for a game of tradeoffs and self-doubt—either you risk overengineering or you make a mess
you are likely going to end up with a combination of tightly coupled small web applications of little business value and a set of web services fulfilling more significant and well-defined need
Types of Web services
Function-Centric Services
is to be able to call functions’ or objects’ methods on remote machines without the need to know how these functions or objects are implemented, in what languages are they written, or what architecture are they running on.
each function can take arbitrary arguments and produce arbitrary values
difficult to implement across programming languages, central processing unit (CPU) architectures, and run-time environments, as everyone had to agree on a strict and precise way of passing arguments, converting values, and handling errors
Need to handle resource locking, security, network latencies, concurrency, and contracts upgrades.
all focusing on client code being able to invoke a function implemented on a remote machine
Tech examples
Common Object Request Broker Architecture (CORBA)
Extensible Markup Language – Remote Procedure Call (XML-RPC)
Distributed Component Object Model (DCOM)
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) (became standard)
Good extensibility and backing
use of xml to describe and encode messages
use of http to transport request and response
SOAP’s advanced security and distributed computing features
it allowed web services to be discovered and the integration code to be generated based on contract descriptors themselves
Implementation example
web service provider exposes a set of XML resources, such as Web Service Definition Language (WSDL) files describing methods and endpoints available and definition of data structures being exchanged using XML Schema Definition (XSD) files.
These resources become the contract of the web service, and they contain all the information necessary to be able to generate the client code and use the web service.
You would use a client library which downloads the contract, convert xml to java classes, handle the network calls deserializations
a lot of ws-specifications were created
which lead to integration between different development stacks became more difficult, as different providers had different levels of support for different versions of ws-* specifications.
Dynamic language users found it harder to use SOAP web services
lack of tooling or support/funding/time to create tooling
Led to web tech being excluded from soap
Thus creating JSON and use of REST
Issues with SOAP
cannot use HTTP-level caching (not cached in a reverse proxy)
SOAP requests are issued by sending XML documents, where request parameters and method names are contained in the XML
Since the uniform resource locator (URL) does not contain all of the information needed to perform the remote procedure call, the response cannot be cached on the HTTP layer based on the URL alone
some of the additional ws-* specifications introduce state into the web service protocol, making it stateful.
As soon as you begin supporting things like transactions or secure conversation, you forfeit the ability to treat your web service machines as stateless clones
Not the best for a start up
Different SOAP services have different conventions
SOAP is on the decline, more people moving to REST
this also leads to lack of support and fixes
Resource-Centric Services
each resource can be treated as a type of object, and there are only a few operations that can be performed on these objects
You model your resources in any way you wish, but you interact with them in more standardized ways.
REST is an example of this type and now defacto standard of web services
REST services use URLs to uniquely identify resources.
Once you know the URL of a resource, you need to decide which of the HTTP methods you want to use.
In general, the GET method is used to fetch information about a resource or its children
the PUT method is used to replace an entire resource or a list by providing a replacement
POST is used to update a resource or add an entry
DELETE is used to remove objects
JSON is defacto standard of REST
Benefits of REST
the structure of REST web services is usually predictable, which also makes it easy to work with, due to limited number of HTTP methods
It’s basically just an HTTP server with a routing mechanism to map URL patterns to your code
Most frameworks make it easy to create
dont have to manage complex contracts like WDSL or xsd
less sophisticated than SOAP
To allow authorized access to REST resources, web services usually require authentication to be performed before using the API.
The client would authenticate (ie via OAuth), then provide the authentication token in HTTP headers of each consecutive request
Use of TLS in transport ie HTTPs
Stateless and GET request can be cached
Easier to scale
traffic for the most popular resources to be offloaded, ease the load on services
Used by most web technologies
onto reverse proxies
Drawbacks of REST
Less strict
allowing nonbreaking changes to be released to the server side without the need to recompile and redeploy the clients
Clients will not be able to auto-generate the client code or discover the web service behavior
Can have contract testing to warn about this
less sophisticated than SOAP
can make it harder to integrate with more complex secruity measures ie exactly-once delivery semantics
Less mature or feature rich
if all you need is to expose a web service to your mobile
clients and some third-party websites, REST is probably a better way
Scaling REST services
tactics in general
slice your web services layer into smaller functional pieces
to scale by adding clones
The key to scalability and efficient resource utilization is to allow each machine to work as independently as possible
For a machine to be able to make progress (perform computation or serve requests), it should depend on as few other machines as possible
Keeping Service Machines Stateless
make all of your web service machines stateless.
need to push all of the shared state out of your web service machines onto shared data stores like
object caches
message queues
Benefits of statelessness
distribute traffic among your web service machines on a per-request basis.
can deploy a load balancer between your web services and their clients, and each request can be sent to any of the available web service machines
distributing requests in a round-robin fashion allows for better load distribution and more flexibility
As each web service request can be served by any of the web service machines, you can take service machines out of the load balancer pool as soon as they crash.
load balancers support heartbeat checks to make sure that web service machines serving the traffic are available.
LB can have automatic load sharing, so when heartbeat fails it will send traffic to other clones
will remove that host from the load-balancing pool, reducing the capacity of the cluster
but preventing clients from timing out or failing to get responses.
Allows technical support to look at what is wrong and fix it, or restart a clone
modern application/container management (kubentes) will create new clone if there are less then the desired amount required in config
can restart and decommission servers at any point in time without worrying about affecting your clients.
Allows for maintenance to be done easily without loss of service
LB allows for graceful shutdown, ie reducing load on a host until zero
able to perform zero-downtime updates of your web services.
an roll out your changes to one server at a time by taking it out of rotation, upgrading, and then putting it back into rotation.
If your software does not allow you to run two different versions at the same time, you can deploy to an alternative stack and switch all of the traffic at once on the load balancer level
able to scale your web services layer by simply adding more clones
by adding more machines to the load balancer pool to be able to support more concurrent connections, perform more network I/O, and compute more responses (CPU time).
only assumption here is that your data persistence layer needs to be able to scale horizontally
Auto scaling can happen
Any time a machine crashes, the load balancer will replace it with a new instance
any time your servers become too busy, it will spin up additional instances to help with the load
The only type of state that is safe to keep on your web service machines are cached objects, which do not need to be synchronized or invalidated in any way
As cache is disposable and can be rebuilt at any point in time, so server failure does not cause any data loss.
Any solution that requires consistency to be propagated across your web service machines will increase your latencies or lead to availability issues
To avoid, it is safest to allow your web service machines to store only cached objects that expire based on their absolute Time to Live property
Such objects can be stored in isolation until they expire without the need for your web services to talk to each other.
Sharing state amongst webservice clones
Always question whether transactions or even locking is necessary
making your application handle failures gracefully rather than preventing them at all cost
try to lean back on your data store as much as possible using its transactional support (support for Atomic operations)
Clients will likely need some authenticaiton passed alongside it's request (ie token/cookie)
That token will have to be validated on the web service side, and client permissions will have to be evaluated in some way to make sure that the user has access to the operation they are attempting to perform.
You could cache authentication and authorization details directly on your web service machines, but that could cause problems when changing permissions or blocking accounts, as these objects would need to expire before new permissions could take effect
use a shared in-memory object cache and have each web service machine reach out for the data needed at request time. If not present, data could be fetched from the original data store and placed in the object cache.
will be able to easily invalidate it when users’ permissions change, as only a single copy
Resource Locking
can use distributed lock systems like Zookeeper
you should avoid resource locks for as long as possible and look for alternative ways to synchronize parallel processes.
Distributed locking is challenging, as each lock requires a remote call and creates an opportunity for your service to stall or fail.
increases your latency and reduces the number of parallel clients that your web service can serve
can sometimes use optimistic concurrency control where you check the state before the final update rather than acquiring locks, instead of resource locks.
consider message queues as a way to decouple components and remove the need for resource locking in the first place
it is important to acquire locks in a consistent order to prevent deadlocks
can prevent deadlocks, and increase availability
to strike a balance between having to acquire a lot of fine-grained locks and having coarse locks that block access to large sets of data
acquire a lot of fine-grained locks, you increase latency, as you keep sending requests to the distributed locks service.
having many fine-grained locks, you also risk increasing the complexity and losing clarity as to how locks are being acquired and from where.
Can lead to deadlocks
using fewer coarse locks, you may reduce the latency and risk of deadlocks
but you can hurt your concurrency at the same time, as multiple web service threads can be blocked waiting on the same resource lock
By using locks, all of your machines become interdependent, If one process becomes slow, anyone else waiting for their locks becomes slow.
You can use locks in your
scheduled batch jobs
queue workers
best to avoid locks in the request–response life cycle of your web services
application-level Transactions
Transactions can become difficult to implement, especially if you want to expose transactional guarantees in your web service contract and then coordinate higher-level distributed transactions on top of these services
A distributed transaction is a set of internal service steps and external web service calls that either complete together or fail entirely.
If Transaction fails, everything needs to be rolled back, so that all the actions never happenend in the first place
2 Phase Commit (2PC) algorithm. Common
notorious for scalability and availability issues
become increasingly difficult to perform as the number of services involved increases and more resources need to be available throughout the time of the transaction
the chance of failure increases with each new service
away from distributed transactions
Alternatives to distrbuted transactions
not support them at all
Rather have development speed, availability, and scalability
As long as core features are not impacted, and minor inconsistencies are ok, have eventual consistency
provide a mechanism of compensating transaction
A compensating transaction can be used to revert the result of an operation that was issued as part of a larger logical transaction that has failed
Each part of transaction is independent, is part 1 passes but part 2 fails, then only part 1 is reverted (some opposite action that returns part 1 to original state).
If part 1 fails, then original caller will fail, so part 2 would not be used
web services do not need to wait for one another
they do not need to maintain any state or resources for the duration of the overarching transaction
Each of the services responds to a single call in isolation
Only the coordinating web service becomes responsible for ensuring data consistency among web services
can often be processed asynchronously by adding a message into a queue without blocking the client code
Caching Service Responses
Use of HTTP protocol caching
The HTTP protocol requires all GET method calls to be read-only. Can cache the response in a proxy/clients and web service calls can be skipped
Need to make sure GET requests are idempotent and nothing is affected (ie state/db change)
sometimes business needs prevents caching, as the needs for logs (which are updated when request hits service) are used for business reports
Can also be affected by object caches on the service, which are updated and another service uses this updated cached object which could be different
Authentication via tokens in headers
Would need to build cache key on url and header token (composite key) to make sure users only see what they should
But can be wasteful, if two different users have same authentication for same resource
make as many of your resources public as possible
To be able to scale using cache, you would usually deploy reverse proxies between your clients and your web service.
Functional Partitioning
functional partitioning can be thought of as a way to split a large system into a set of smaller, loosely coupled parts so that they can run across more machines rather than having to run on a single, more powerful server.
For web services
is a way to split a service into a set of smaller, fairly independent web services, where each web service focuses on a subset of functionality of the overall system
isolating subsets of functionality that are closely related, and extracting that subset into an independent subsystem
Rather than having a single large and potentially closely coupled web service, you would end up with two smaller, more focused, and more independent web services
lead to decoupling their infrastructures, their databases, and potentially their engineering teams
having two independent subsystems, you could give them at least twice as much hardware
esp separate data storage, each subsystem will have it's own db
esp good for relational db, as they are difficult to scale
development and changes can be made in isolation, affecting only one of the services
there is some coupling between services, but not that much
allows your technology team to grow
no one needs to know the entire system in detail to make chagnes
teams can take over one or more services
Each service can be scaled independently
Access patterns, availability and hardware needs are separated
Can scale to meet their own needs
no wasted resources for parts of a system like in monoliths
Different tech can be used for different services
partitioning too early
partitioning too much
new services that needs data and features from mulitple services
partition by what changes (volatility)
Last updated
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