Transaction Script/ Use Case pattern

What it is?

  • Domain logic goes in here.

    • Single procedure for each action(http request) that a user might want to do

  • Procedural in nature

  • Takes input from presentation layer

    • validated or changed to be able to used here

  • Flow of the process takes place

    • processes input with validations and calculations, stores data in the database, and invokes any operations from other systems

  • Dependencies from outer layers are injected here using the interface

  • The response is what is processed by the presentation layer

  • avoid calls to presentation layer

    • Should not interact again


  • easy to follow, clear structure

  • Easy to use several depenencies to perform actions

  • useful for simple domain logic


  • can grow in complexity, and become big

    • dont want to extract to much logic as it adds layer of indirection

  • Duplication can occur between different transaction scripts


  • Can use command pattern for this

Last updated