# Communication
The aim is:
What you want to say ends up being what they understand
But due to the multiple paths (in control and out of control), the message gets lost, misunderstood
what you want to say/write -> what you say/write -> what they hear/read -> what they understood
This is vital in the world of software development
A necessary skill to get good at especially if you want to:
Get promoted (either technical like senior/principal, or managementblah.txt lead)
Be seen (Giving talks, blogging)
Helping other (mentoring, onboarding)
start up (advertising, sales, hiring)
Writing software (readable code, clean code)
influencing others
Looking for new job
Defining scope (discusisng with stakeholders)
Writign documentation and comments
Bring out responses from others
Code reviews
Build relationships
What you think/believe they know or understand is different to what you know or understand
Understanding the Audience: Tailoring technical details based on the listener’s background helps bridge communication gaps, especially with non-technical teams.
what they know
what they want
How technical to go into
Watch out for slang, acronyms, technical, domain terms
Use questions, to clarify, repeat
Repeat, and repeat in different mediums
Ensure that you are talking about the same thing with same meaning
Ask them to ask questions
Use different ways and mediums ie ananlogies, pictures, charts, exampels etc
Be clear with your words
written word should be easy to scan, use formatting, no wall of text
add humour, smile and caring (remember what they said and ask about it, use name), thank them
Never send a single hello, write everything first
To get response
target your messages
if dont know,take a best guess and ask if they know someone who can help
explain why you need something
explain why you need it (ie deadliens etc)
Answering questions
give the responses you want to get
if you dont know give them a contact or ask that contact
If you dont have time, say so, give them an expectation to when you can do it
if it takes time, tell them
AVoid long messages (or threads) instead do a call
Avoid calling straight away, write summary first
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bVRbxVCHrPE Communication for Developers: estimates, code reviews, and other hard problems by Voytek Pituła
Last updated
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