Java Tools

  • The jvm comes with a lot of tooling apart from compling (javac, javac -jar) and running the class/jar (java ...)

In the JDK /bin

  • jps

    • To find running JVM, use jps

      • lists the process ID and the application’s main class name, making it far easier to figure out which process is which.

    • Can use ps aux | grep java

    • jps -l will list the fully qualified main class name

    • jps -l <remote> will list jvm on remote server

    • jps -mwill show the arguments passed to the main method

    • jps -v will show all the arguments passed to the JVM

  • javap

    • Java class file disassembler

    • Run javap <class file> to see that class file’s fields and methods,

      • which can often be very enlightening for understanding what code written in JVM-based languages such as Scala, Clojure, or Groovy

    • javap -c <class file> to see the complete bytecode of those methods.

  • jmap

    • jmap -heap <process id> will print a summary of the JVM process’s memory space, such as

      • how much memory is being used in each of the JVM’s memory generations,

      • the heap configuration

      • type of GC being used

    • jmap -histo <process id> will print a histogram

      • of each class in the heap

      • how many instances there are of that class

      • how many bytes of memory are consumed

    • jmap -dump:format=b,file=<filename> <process id> will dump a snapshot of the entire heap to a file

  • jhat

    • jhat <heap dump file> will take the file generated by jmap and run a local web server.

    • You can connect to this server in a browser to explore the heap space interactively, grouped by package name.

    • The “Show instance counts for all classes (excluding platform)” link shows only instances of classes outside of Java itself.

    • You can also run “OQL” queries, allowing you to query the heap space via SQL-esque syntax.

  • jinfo

    • jinfo <process id> to see all system properties the JVM loaded with and JVM command-line flags

  • jstack

    • jstack <process id> will print stack traces for all current Java threads running in a JVM

  • jconsole and jvisualvm

    • These are graphical tools that allow connecting to JVMs and interactively monitoring running JVMs.

    • They offer visual graphs and histograms of various aspects of a running process and are a mouse-friendly alternative to many of the tools listed above.

    • These can be process/memory heavy for your local setup

  • Jshell

    • command line repl

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