Choosing Technologies

  • This applies to technologies(free or paid), libraries, frameworks, languages, databases etc etc


  • If it has something vital for your system that needs it

  • Allows you to apply your current working practices ie TDD, CI/CD etc

  • It is better than what you have

  • Low cost of failure using it

    • mature

    • active development, fixing bugs, adding features, new versions

    • Good documentation and examples

    • Others using it

    • Blogs, stack overflow, conferences about it


  • You are bored want something exciting

  • Cause you have used it before or it is the latest buzz

    • No research into it for your particular use case

  • For your resume

  • To create a buzz, to seem up to date using latest trends

  • Avoid using too many things, especially new things


  • Try it out with the idea that you can back out easily

    • free trials

    • spikes or proof of concepts

  • Watch out for sunk cost fallacy

  • Vendor lock in

    • might be tied to a particular technology choice, meaning that you cannot change it or need to pick certain tech to work with it

  • Achieve consensus

  • Know what you are looking for, and research tech that matches that

    • read documentation and other sources

  • Gather different types of techs to make decisions from

  • users of tech can work with it

    • low upskilling

    • familiarity

  • Top MISTAKES When Choosing A Technology Framework



Last updated