Evolutionary Architecture

  • answers

    • How is long-term planning possible when everything changes all the time?

Issues with current systems

  • parts of software systems resist change, becoming more brittle and intractable over time

    • But requirements change, technology changes or needs updating, change is constant

    • For systems, and by extension businesses based on them, to stay working or used they need to change as well

  • Change is a constant, but we can never fully predicate what is likely to change

    • ie unknown changes in requirements, breaking changes in libraries, security vulnerabilities exposed


  • An evolutionary architecture supports guided, incremental change across multiple dimensions

  • allow architects and developers to make sweeping changes to the most important parts of their systems with confidence.

  • evolve cleanly without the need for a crystal ball.

Incremental Change

  • To achieve this can use a variety processes and tools

    • continuous delivery practices like deployment pipelines

    • mature DevOps

    • good testing culture

    • other current agile engineering best practices

    • granular, modular architecture

  • For “how teams build software” and “how they deploy it.”

  • in a service architecture, ensure that clients can upgrade at their own pace rather than assuming all clients will upgrade immediately and synchronously as they won’t.

  • automate the deprovisioning of unused services and versions once they stop receiving traffic

  • versioning services internally instead of clients passing versions

    • This fingerprints incoming requests and routes them to the correct implementation, but the endpoint that clients call doesn’t change

    • limit the number of supported versions

    • strive to support only two versions at a time, and only temporarily

  • Testability is essential

    • supporting a rapid development loop

  • Follow hypothesis-driven development

    • rather than gathering formal requirements… leverage the scientific method instead

Fitness Functions

  • An architectural fitness function provides an objective integrity assessment of some architectural characteristic(s).

  • Guide change

  • preferably as unit tests that can be run locally

  • we don’t want the system to evolve in a way that harms some architectural concern

  • build guidelines within the architecture to support change but guard specific attributes

  • an objectively quantifiable function used to summarise how close a given design solution is to achieving the set aims

  • defines what “better” means

  • are run in your deployment pipeline, removing the architect from the gatekeeper role, and instead allowing them to focus on guiding rather than enforcing.

  • Should be designed as early in a project’s lifecycle as possible, because they serve as a ratchet on quality degradation

  • These should be adpated, or new ones added on a periodic basis as you know more about the system

    • meet often to re-evaluate

    • use them to have a structured conversation as early as possible


  • Atomic

    • run against a singular context and exercise one particular aspect of the architecture

    • ie asserting there are no incompatible dependencies for a codebase.

  • Holistic

    • run against a shared context and exercise a combination of architectural aspects such as security and scalability

    • ie Ensuring that no personally identifying information (PII) is published into your logging system

    • ie Monitoring that latency doesn’t increase with code changes

    • Triggered

      • run based on a particular event, such as a developer executing a unit test

      • verifications run on demand in your deployment pipeline, during local development and so on:

        • linting, tests, fuzzing, coverage

    • Continual

      • don’t run on a schedule, but instead execute constant verification

      • ie alerts on latency or ensuring infrastructure costs are trending towards budget

    • Static

      • have a fixed result, such as the binary pass/fail of a unit test.

      • ie acceptable latency range, acceptable test coverage, unit tests passing

    • Dynamic

      • rely on a shifting definition based on extra context

      • ie embody a tradeoff between say freshness and request volume, tolerating less freshness (and consequently more caching) for high volume infrastructure

    • Automated

    • Manual

Multiple dimensions

  • Instead of focusing on just the technical aspects

    • ie the technical architecture: frameworks, dependencies, integration architecture

  • Should focus on other orthogonal concerns: data architecture, security, scalability, testability, operations etc

  • All required dimensions, deemed critical, should be accommodated continuously

Architectural coupling

  • Modularity

    • a logical grouping of related code

    • one of the most important tools to limit architectural coupling

    • Create modules out of related functionality to maximize functional cohesion

    • Aiming to scope modules as architectural quantum,

      • an independently deployable component with high functional cohesion

  • Small modules are easier to change, so generally prefer smaller,

    • but getting the right boundaries is key to balance between coupling and complexity

  • The style of codebases (ie monolith, mircoservice etc) is less importnat (as long as it meets your needs) than desingning the implementation well

Evolutionary data

  • heaviest frictions for evolving architecture is the underlying data

  • Includes data as

    • test

    • versioned

    • incremental

  • have shared-nothing architecture

    • where applications don’t directly integrate against the same database

    • IF sharing db

      • consider the “expand/contract pattern”, which allows you to support broader functionality, transition incrementally, and then remove the old using a combination of code rewriting, code ratchets

  • inappropriate data coupling

    • for example transactions force large architectural quanta

    • Anything within a transaction needs to be deployed with the other pieces contributing to that transaction

    • Transactions are also often owned by a database administration or infrastructure team, which introduce cross-team coordination aspects as well.

  • how weak DBA tooling is

    • compared to IDE

    • due to vendor lock in


  • Remove needless variability

    • through adoption of immutable infrastructure, long-lived feature flags

  • Make decisions reversible

    • making it easy to undo deploys

    • Prefer immediately shifting traffic off a broken new version to slowly deploying a previous revision

    • Prefer flipping flags to disable new features over deployment

  • Prefer evolvable over predictable

    • If you optimize for the known challenges for an architecture, you’ll get stuck because there are at least as many unknown challenges as known challenges

    • better to be able to respond to problems quickly than to cleanly address what you’re currently aware of

  • Build anticorruption layers

    • building good interfaces so you can shift out the implementation underneath

    • act of adding interfaces can be expensive as well, so balance this with finding the last responsible moment to make the decision.

  • Build sacrificial architectures

    • Assume that you’ll make tradeoffs that won’t last forever, and be okay with occasionally throwing away your implementations

  • Mitigate external change

    • don’t rely on global package repositories, but instead pull in copies of packages you need locally. Then you can manage your upgrade timing in addition to owning your build pipeline reliability

  • Libraries versus frameworks

    • Argues against frameworks, since you write code that integrates with frameworks, as opposed to writing code that calls out to libraries.

    • Consequently, there is tighter coupling in frameworks

  • Version services internally

    • don’t leak version identifiers to users, instead inspect the incoming requests and handle them appropriately

    • Easier for service to manage that complexity than all clients to handle it

  • Product over project

    • Structure your teams, and consequently your architecture, around long-lived products, not to short-lived projects

  • Dealing with external change

    • Your clients (as in, software generating requests to your service) will change their needs over time,

    • define explicit contracts to state these agreements, perhaps as Service Level Objectives.

  • Culture of experimentation

    • Evolution is built on structured, measured experimentation, which requires a structured, thoughtful approach

  • Start with low-hanging fruit

    • Easy wins beget larger wins, start where it’s easy

    • start first where most changes happen

  • https://lethain.com/building-evolutionary-architectures/

Last updated