Dependency Injections
A technique that enables loose coupling
collaborating classes should rely on infrastructure to provide necessary services
A dependency references other classes to complete some work
delegate work to another class
send a message to another object from the calling class
Just calling an instance method of an object with or without arguments
All classes can have dependencies, it is how they managed
Dependencies are provided to a class instead of the class creating them
This happens at creation time called object composition in a composition root
the app has control and proactively injects the required objects.
Dependencies are not defined by the number of modules but the number of times each module depends on another module
Manage dependency lifecycle
Allow for dependencies to be intercepted
goolge talk
can be over reliant on frameworks or libraries to do this for you
pollute code with framework (reduced separation of concerns)
Needs to start an app with DI at the beginning, otherwise it becomes harder later on
can add more complexity
Improves maintainability
that reduces coupling and promotes the open-closed principle.
provides references to objects that the class depends on, instead of allowing the class to gather the dependencies itself.
it is about knowing as little as possible.
allows classes to “not know” how their dependencies are assembled, where they come from, or what actual implementations are fulfilling their contracts.
not using the “new” keyword in your classes and demanding instances of your dependencies to be provided to your class by its clients.
reduces local complexity of the class and makes it dumber, which is a good thing.
Without knowing who the provider of the contract is or how to get an instance of it, our class can focus on its single responsibility
reduce coupling
requires less understanding of the rest of the system to modify and unit test the class
By removing the assembly code from your classes, you make them more independent, reusable, and testable.
Dependency inversion relies on this idea
Relevant for late binding
late binding = ability to replace parts of an app with recompiling code
ie third party addons, or support different runtime env
Can change the implementation of different database/algorithm, depending on env/settings/configuration/inputs
This allows the decision to decide on what service to use as late as possible, to defer the choice
then can use one service, but not tied to it, so can easily swap it out for another service with minimal changes
Relevant for unit testing
Allows you to swap out injected dependencies with ones that can be controlled to setup situations for different test cases
Type of Abstract factories
Methods that create objects of certain kind
DI is not a service locator, or a service to call to get dependencies
DI is a way to structure code so that you never have to imperatively ask for Dep
Does not require a DI Container
A DI container aim is to make it easier compose classes and wire up an application
it might add unnecessary overhead for it to be worth using
it is an optional tool to implemetn DI
Using DI without a container library is called PURE DI
Pure DI allows you implement DI without compromises
might take a more work
easier to follow
Intercept dependencies
With DI, can intercept each dependency instance and act on it before it is passed to the consumer
Allows for cross cutting concerns to be applied outside of the consumer
Is a place where an application is assembled from it's constituent parts
Where you can disassemble the application and work with the modules in isolation
Use of interface, so that class relies on the interface rather than implementation
allows you to handle volatile dependencies
Managing volatile dependencies
dep that change or can change should be injected
Stable dependencies dont need to be injected
Might be useful testability or other reasons
Stable Dependencies
The class/module already exists
expectation that new versions won't contain breaking changes
The types in question contain deterministic algorithms
never expect to have to do the following with another class
intercept the class/module
specialised libraries that encapsulate algorithms relevant to your app
stable if they are not volatile
Volatile Dependencies
Dependencies that don't provide a sufficient foundation for apps
You introduce seams in your code to inject volatile dependencies
The dep introduces a requirement to set up and configure a runtime env for an app
ie databases, out of process resources like message queues, webservices, filesystems
leads to lack of late binding, extensibility, testing
The dep does not yet exist or is still in development
The dep isn't installed on all machines in the dev organisation
ie paid for 3rd party libraries, dep that cannot be installed on all OS
leads to disabled testability
The dep contains non deterministic behaviour
ie randomness, time/date
leads to hard to control behaiour for testing
DI Scope
As the class has no control of managing it's dep in DI, it has no control of the lifetime (when it goes out of scope, when it is created/reused) of the object injected
Does not know when it is created or goes out of scope
This simplifies the consumer
Thus the composition root can control the lifecycle of a dependency/objects/instances
Depending on your language you dont have to worry about the object scope, as this is handled by garbage collector
When no class references the dependency it is eligible for garbage collection
In application, multiple consumers might use the same dependency
You can either inject a separate instance into each consumer
or you can choose to share a single instance across multiple consumers
Intercepting Dependencies
DI allows the power to modify dependencies before passing them on to the consumer
Form of decorator pattern
This is related to AOP (aspect oriented programming)
can apply logging, auditing, access control, validation etc, to maintain separation of control
Composition Root
Describes where and how you should compose an application's object graphs
where the object graphs performs the actual work of the app
it is a single logical location
Object graphs are composed as close as possible to the application's entry point
especially for loosely coupled classes
This can be
Main method
it can span multiple classes and then called in main method or via DI container
Using constructor injection, pushes the responsibility for the creation of their dependencies up to the consumer, which also pushes the consumer's dep to their consumers.
Should be the only place where you use a DI container
Otherwise leads to service locator pattern (anit pattern)
composition root should be in one module
It is not part of the UI layer
How it works
Acts as a third party that connects consumers with their services
Deferring the decision on how to connect the classes the more options you have
They are not reused
All classes should use constructor injection (possibly others for good reasons)
this allows CR to decide how to compose the objects
Should be only place that knows the structure of the object graphs
centralises the knowledge
avoids application code passing on dependencies to other threads the run parallel to the current operation
as the consumer has no way of knowing if it is safe to do so
It is up to CR to create the object graph for each concurrent operation
The CR relies on config/setting/property files
increases flexibility
Should separate the loading of the config files to values, from the methods that does the object composition
Dont create the object graphs in many different locations
This limits you from intercepting the object graphs to modify their behaviour (ie for testing replace a db with map)
It is not part of the UI layer, although it is easiest to create composition root here
can take out the layer as module, but might be tricky
DI containers
software library that can automate many tasks for composing objects and managing lifetimes
should only be used to compose object graphs
Only be in the composition root
CR should have reference to DI container
DICon should not be referenced by any other module
removal of any coupling between the DI container and app code base
For request based applicatoins (websites/services)
you configure the container once, but resolve an object graph for each incoming request
Constructor Injection
allows a class to statically declare its required dependencies
To guarantee a necessary volatile dependency is always available to the class, by requiring all callers to supply this dependency as a parameter to the class's constructor
pass the dependencies of a class to its constructor as parameters, thus store the reference for future use
The composition root will supply these dependencies, by instantiating them and injecting them
Should be default choice for DI
How it works
The class that needs the dep, needs to expose a constructor
This can also be done via static factory method
The dependency passed in to constructor should be assigned to a field
This allows the field (dep) to be used anywhere in the class
Generally, the field will be of an abstract type (depends on the patterns used)
The field holding the dependency should be read only (no setters)
Thus after object instantiation, the dependency cannot be modified
There should be no other logic in the constructor (see below exception for validation)
Dep injected into a class are few, but the depth of the object graphs might be long/deeper, due to the multiple layers of decorators
Have large parameter lists for constructors, can have an adverse effect on performance
Clearly documents what the class requires via it's constructor parameters
Makes sure the class cannot create an object if it has not been passed a dependency that it needs to function
injection guaranteed
Some frameworks need to break this implementation to work
Some frameworks may need you to have a parameterless constructor (hibernate, ant)
leading to more work and configuration to setup properly
Multiple constructors
There are patterns which allow a class to have multiple constructors (Via telescoping) that allows defaults
This can allow a class to have constructors with more or less parameters than previous constructor
These can be helpful, especially in refactoring a class for testing
This can lead to ambiguity in terms of which constructor should be called or DI Con should use
Alternatively, can have one constructor, and have multiple explicitly named static factories which call the constructor
For application constructors having one constructor is preference, while in libraries having multiple is preferred
Optional dependencies
This can be a consequence of having multiple constructors
They can complicate checks for null arguments
Give greater flexibility in constructing a specific object
Best to use the builder or factory patterns
Can maintain a single constructor, but the composition root can inject a
null object
which has no behaviourbut code that uses this dependency must be careful of it's usage if it relies on a return type (output)
Validating constructor arguments
This is doing guard clauses to make sure that args are correct before constructing the object
So that when the dep is used elsewhere in the class no issues with null pointer
Two camps, one saying constructors should just be purely for assigning the reference for the dependecy to the class, and others saying should assign validation
I believe they should be pure with no validation, and create static factories that will do the validation before instantiating the object
Not all classes should need validation, only those at the edge of the system, or can be constructed at runtime (without the coders knowledge - but for to reduce failure might better to have default dependency instead of throwing an exception)
This might lead to issues with DI Con frameworks from not easily using it, with extra work to create (ie @bean and @configuration in Sprin)
Setter/Method Injection
Enables you to provide a dependency to a consumer when either the dependency or the consumer might change for each operation
Dependency can vary with each method call
Consumer of such dependency can vary on each call
dependencies are instantiated after the class is created.
Dep supplied with method parameter
Done outside of composition root
Allows caller to provide operation specific context or service
Allows inject dep into data centric objects that are not created inside composition root
limited applicability
causes the dep to become part of the public api of a class or it's abstraction
Creating entities (DDD)
due to entities possibly containing lots of methods, these will require only certain dependencies
yes, can inject all dep via constructor, but not all will be used within each method
which complicates testing
Dont store the dependnecy when passed in via method args
leads to temporal coupling, captive dependencies, hidden side effects
just use it or pass it on
Field/Property Injection
By exposing a writable property/field, that lets the caller supply a dep, if they want to override the default (one created in constructor)
having a public non final field, where you can inject the dependencies
dependencies are instantiated after the class is created
Allow for class to be extensible
object created may have null fields, as they dont need to be assigned when object is instantiated
CURE: Have a default at constructor time
Causes temporal coupling
lead to inconsistent behaviour
Hard to impl in robust manner
when you have a good local default but want to extend by allowing users to provide diff impl
only applicable to resuable libraries
allows components to define sensible defaults
Dont use for applications
Issues with injecting too many dependencies
Some times having too many dependencies injected, can make the code more complex (esp for testing)
Things like crosscutting concerns (logging, date etc) can pollute the class.
Instead try using a factory, which can pass a supplier to a static factory method, and when the method of dependency is called, can call the supplier and instantiate it. Then the supplier is passed in at composition root, or a stub/fake is passed in for tests
DI anti patterns
Service locator
Control freak
Ambient Context
Constrained Constructor
Code smells
constructor over injection
abstract factories abuse
cyclic dependencies
Object lifetime
cross cutting
Last updated
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