ISO Quality Attributes


Performance efficiency

  • Measure of the performance relative to the amount of resources used under known conditions

  • time behaviour

    • (measure of response, processing times, and/or throughput rates)

  • resource utilization

    • (amounts and types of resources used)

  • capacity -(degree to which the maximum established limits are exceeded)


  • Degree to which a product, system, or component can exchange information with other products, systems, or components and/or perform its required functions while sharing the same hardware or software environment.

  • coexistence

    • (can perform its required functions efficiently while sharing a common environment and resources with other products)

  • interoperability

    • (degree to which two or more systems can exchange and utilize information).


  • Users can use the system effectively, efficiently, and satisfactorily for its intended purpose.

  • appropriateness recognizability

    • (users can recognize whether the software is appropriate for their needs)

  • learnability

    • (how easy users can learn how to use the software)

  • user error protection

    • (protection against users making errors)

  • accessibility

    • (make the software available to people with the widest range of characteristics and capabilities)


  • Degree to which a system functions under specified conditions for a specified period of time

  • maturity

  • (does the software meet the reliability needs under normal operation), availability (software is operational and accessible)

  • fault tolerance

    • (does the software operate as intended despite hardware or software faults)

  • recoverability

    • (can the software recover from failure by recovering any affected data and reestablish the desired state of the system


  • Degree the software protects information and data so that people or other products or systems have the degree of data access appropriate to their types and levels of authorization.

  • confidentiality

    • (data is accessible only to those authorized to have access)

  • integrity

    • (the software prevents unauthorized access to or modification of software or data)

  • nonrepudiation

    • (can actions or events be proven to have taken place)

  • accountability

    • (can user actions of a user be traced)

  • authenticity

    • (proving the identity of a user)


  • Represents the degree of effectiveness and efficiency to which developers can modify the software to improve it, correct it, or adapt it to changes in environment and/or requirements

  • modularity

    • (degree to which the software is composed of discrete components)

  • reusability

    • (degree to which developers can use an asset in more than one system or in building other assets)

  • analyzability

    • (how easily developers can gather concrete metrics about the software)

  • modifiability

    • (degree to which developers can modify the software without introducing defects or degrading existing product quality)

  • testability (how easily developers and others can test the software)


  • Degree to which developers can transfer a system, product, or component from one hardware, software, or other operational or usage environment to another

  • adaptability

    • (can developers effectively and efficiently adapt the software for different or evolving hardware, software, or other operational or usage environments)

  • installability

    • (can the software be installed and/or uninstalled in a specified environment)

  • replaceability

    • (how easily developers can replace the functionality with other software).

Functional suitability

  • Debatable whether this should be an architectural concern

  • the degree to which a product or system provides functions that meet stated and implied needs when used under specified conditions.

  • Functional completeness

    • Degree to which the set of functions covers all the specified tasks and user objectives.

  • Functional correctness

    • Degree to which a product or system provides the correct results with the needed degree of precision.

  • Functional appropriateness

    • Degree to which the functions facilitate the accomplishment of specified tasks and objectives. +

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