
  • Architecture is the philosophy that underlies a system and defines the purpose, intent, and structure of the system

  • Architecture is needed to control the infrastructure when it is designed, in use, and when it is changed

  • An optimal software architecture is one that has maximal flexibility for change at the lowest possible cost

  • cost is measured in terms of certain qualities that represent a software architecture’s design and implementation

  • in addition to the cost of the infrastructure to operate it.

  • defining trait of a software quality is that it can be tangibly measured and has an impact on other qualities

  • conveys two major pieces of information about software:

    • The software components that constitute a whole system to provide certain functions at the system level.

    • How the components communicate with each other to fulfill the system functions






  • Designing Systems - What I wish I knew • Jakub Nabrdalik • Devoxx Poland 2021

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