Cargo Cult
Be aware of trusting others advice
Where are the facts, the evidence
use of scientific method should stop this
use 5 whys
If someone is giving out advice I want to know – “Have you done that? Have you experienced this problem, or is it just theoretical?”
Where have you used it? Is it applicable to this case?
A contradiction that you can find in the rule/law should be easily disproved if rule is true
understand issues with edge cases, too many and the coverage of the rule grows smaller
Most things that are stated as fact, are generally just advice/anecdote/experience
still useful, but should be take as law/rules
Perfect is impossible, there are trade offs (positives and negatives)
Habit is a dangerous thing, so is flow
People use what is already there without questioning it, see if it works, getting metrics
This propagates problems, until becomes normalised
Example - performance
due to the advances in science and engineering, computers have become cheap and resources abundent.
Led to devs not caring too much about performance, about how memory is used, as long as it works as vertical scaling is always avaiable or we never reach the max resouce limit
No consideration for others, ie other apps being used at the same time
Always wanting overkill for something that simpler
Last updated
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