Equals and hashcode

  • Both are defined in the object class

  • The equals method checks equality based on the reference the object is poiinting at.

  • We can overide the equals methods, and we generally perform eqaulity on the fields of the object.

  • When we implement equals we should also implement hashcode

    • Why?????


Testing equals and hashcode

  • Implementing equals must test the following

    • reflexive: an object must equal itself

    • symmetric: x.equals(y) must return the same result as y.equals(x)

    • transitive: if x.equals(y) and y.equals(z) then also x.equals(z)

    • consistent: the value of equals() should change only if a property that is contained in equals() changes (no randomness allowed)

Violating the equals symetry

  • This can be done by inheritance.

  • A class which inherits from the parent class which has already overriden equals, and the child class overrides equals again with different implementation

  • this leads to performing equals between the parent and child class's objects will not give correct outputs.

    • a.equals(b) != b.equals(a) where a is subclass of b




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