Module 5 Storage and Databases
Instance Stores and Amazon Elastic Block Store (Amazon EBS)
Block Level Storage
to store files (bytes stored on disk)
When data change only change that section
Hard drive
File systems, databases use it
Instance STore Volumes
storage that can be provided by EC2 instance
Physical attached to host that EC2 is running on
If EC2 is terminated, the data on the ISV is deleted
As the EC2 might start up on another host
Useful for temp data, scratch files, data that can be easily recreated without consequence
Not good for persisting data outside of lifecycle of EC2
Amazon Elastic Block Store (EBS)
Create virtual Hard drives (volumes) that are attached to the EC2
Not tied to the host
persist data outside of lifecycle of EC2
Can configure the type you want (size, type) and attach it the EC2
Can take incremental back ups of data (snapshots)
only the blocks of data that have chagned are saved
Up to 16TB
SSD by default, but HDD options
Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3)
Data to be stored somewhere
Store and retrieve unlimited amount of data
Data stored as objects
each object contains data, metadata and key
metadate = info about data, how its used, object size
key = unique id of object
When object is updated, the whole object is modified
Stored in buckets
Max size of object =5Tb
Used for write once read many
Each object has a url
Can version objects (keep history of object, can rollback if deleted)
Create permissions (visibility, write access) for multiple buckets
Different tiers/classes
Storage classes
11 9s of durability (remain intact for one year)
for frequent access
Multiple copies are stored in 3 availability zones
Content distributino
data analytics
Static web hosting
Load all static files (html etc) to S3 and check box to host it as site
Standard Infrequent Access (STandard-IA)
For data that is accessed less frequently, but requires rapid access when needed
backups, disasted recovery files, or long term storage
Audit data, stored for seveal years can be moved to other classes
Lower storage price
higher retrieval price
Multiple copies are stored in 3 availability zones
One Zone Infrequent Access
1 copy are stored in 1 availability zones
Lower storage price than STandard IA
Saving costs on storage
Can easily reproduce data incase of failure of zone or loss of data
Intelligent Tiering
Data with unknown or changing access patterns
Monthly monitroing and automation fee per object
Glacier Instant Retrieval
For archived data that needs immediate access
Access time of milliseconds (same perfromance as standard)
Glacier Flexible Retrieval
Low cost storage
Takes 1 minutes to 12 hours to access data
Audit data, stored for several years
Use vaults
Glacier Deep Archive
Lowest cost
Retrieve within 12 to 48 hours
Long retention
aim for 1/2 times a years access
Multiple copies are stored in 3 availability zones
Creates buckets on Outposts
Easier to retrieve
Puts it on your on premise site
Lifecycle polices
Setup rules to move data between tiers
ie after x days move to another class
Default polics
haven’t accessed an object for 30 consecutive days, Amazon S3 automatically moves it to the infrequent access tier, S3 Standard-IA. If you access an object in the infrequent access tier, Amazon S3 automatically moves it to the frequent access tier, S3 Standard.
Amazon Elastic File System (EFS)
A type of file storage
a storage server uses block storage with a local file system to organize files. Clients access data through file paths.
Ensures that
access the same data at the same time
Storage can handle the amount of data
scale with increase demand
that backups are taken
data is stored is redundantly
management of servers holding data
EFS handles all this
Multiple instances can access (read/write) the data in EFS at the same time
Linux file system
regional resource
automatically scales
In different availability zones
allows for concurrent access
difference with EBS
does not scale, once you attach it to EC2 thats it
EBS must be in same availability zone
Can be AWS cloud service or on prem
on prem access with AWS Direct Connect
Amazon Relational Database Service (RDS)
RDBS useful for data stored that has relationships with other stored data
Data is stored in tables
Tables are defined by schemas
relationships between data in tables is done via a key
Querying is done via standard language such as SQL
so is defining the schema of the tables (definition)
And commands (updates/delets/writes)
Supported DB
sql server
at encryption at rest
encryption in tranist
Migrate database from on prem to aws
Lift and shift migration
Have more control over OS, memory, CPU, storage capacity, etc
Can use Amazon RDBS, a managed db service
supportst the major DB engines
Hardware provisionin
Automated patching
disaster recovery
Amazon Aurora
enterprise class rdbs
a more managed db system
mysql or postgres flavours
5 times faster than mysql and 3 time sfaster than postgres
Reduces unecessary IO
cheaper than other db engines
data is replicated across facilities (6 copies at any one time)
up to 15 read replicas
Continuous back up to S3
Can be slow, due to the overhead of the queries/commands over several tables
For business analytics, over many tables
Amazon DynamoDB
Serverless DB
Data stored in tables, as items with attributes
Handles the storage, automatic scaling, stored redundently accross multiple AZ,
millisecond respone time
Dont have to provision, patch or manage servers, or install, maintain or operate software
Does not use sql, does not need to define schema
Useful for data that is not rigid (ie cannot be defined by a scehma) and need high performance
Non relational db
Have simple flexible schemas
Can add/remove attributes to a table at any time
NOt every item must have the same attributes
Store data as key-value pairs
key = items
value = attirbutes
Queries are much simpler
focus on collection of items from one table
Not on queries from multiple tables
leads to quick response time and high scalability
It is purpose built and fits a specific usecase
Most data is used for lookup lists
this can be done via non relational DB rather than sqlDB
Amazon Redshift
Used for data analysing what happened
Using traditional RDBMS for querying data which is constantly updated
causes performance issues
used for high speed real time ingestion, rather than complex queries over ltos of data
VAriety of data that is spread out has issues with this analytics
USe of data wharehousing
engineered for big data and historical analystics instead of operational analysis
For questions about looking backwards,rather than looking at the current information for current processing (which is what RDBMS is built for)
DW that is tuned, resiliant and highly scalable
Nodes can handle mutliple PBytes
AWS Database Migration Service (AWS DMS)
Help migrate DB onto AWS securly adn easily
Source DB remains fully operational during the migration
reduces the downtime
Dont have to migrate to the same type of DB
Same type migrations = homogenous
source and target are different = hetrogenous
Two step process
Need to convert schema structure/data types and db code using AWS Schema Conversion Tool to match the target db
Then use DMS to migrate the data
Can migrate from from on prem to EC2 or RDS
Other migrations include
dev/test db migrations
copy prod data to test env (one off or continuously)
db consolidations
have multipe db but move to one db
continous db replication
for disaster recovery or geographic separation
Additional Database SErvices
Amazon DocumentDB
Document db
supports MongoDB
Amazon Neptune
graph DB
works with highly connected datasets
ie recommendation engines, fraud detection, and knowledge graphs.
Amazon Quantum Ledger Database (Amazon QLDB)
review a complete history of all the changes that have been made to your application data.
Data never deletd
Amazon Managed Blockchain
create and manage blockchain networks with open-source frameworks.
Blockchain is a distributed ledger system that lets multiple parties run transactions and share data without a central authority.
Amazon ElastiCache
adds a caching layer on top of db
improve read times for common requests
two types: redis and memcached
Amazon DynamoDB Accelerator
in memory cahce for dynamo db
millis to micro
Last updated
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