
Comparable interface

  • One method to implement, compareTo

    • Takes another other object of same class that implements it and returns an int

    • signature: public int compareTo(T o);

  • Why Use

    • The objects created from the class has a natural ordering

    • allows classes like collections to use it when doing sort for example.

    • use for any class with alphanumeric or chronological ordering

  • Rules

    • return 0 if both objects are equal

    • return less than one, when the current object is less than the object passed into the compareTo method

    • return greater than one, when the current object is more than the object passed into the compareTo method

  • Using a comparator in compareTo

    • See github link????

  • Use comparator constructor method

    • can use like a builder, and chain multiple compares and in the order you want them to compare to.

    • see github??

  • Using a field's object compareTo method in the current object

    • exmaple:

    public class Duck implements Comparable<Duck> {
      public String name;
      public Duck(String name) {
 = name;
      public int compareTo(Duck d) {
        return name.compareTo(;
    • Using the field name of duck objects to compare with each other.

    • name is a String Type, and String implements Comparable. thus can use compareTo from String

    • Another Example

      • see github ???

    • Note all classes/types will have an implementation of comparable, so will not be able to call it's compareTo method

  • Using own method

    • Example

    public class Duck implements Comparable<Duck> {
      public int age;
      public Duck(int age) {
          this.age = age;
      public int compareTo(Duck d) {
        return age - d.age;
    • comparing on the age of duck, but it's field is a primitive and does not have a compareTo method

      • could create an integer wrapper class and compareTo on that, as Integer implements compareTo

    • see github ???

    • Avoid this way of doing it

      • arithemtic overflow issues

  • Use of > and < and ==

    • Avoid as verbose and error prone

    • see github???

  • Comparing multiple fields

    • see githubg???

  • Static compare method

    • see github???

  • Comparable and equals

    • make them consistent

    • override equals() and set it to true when comparable has two objects equal returns 0

    • If not possible, write a comment saying this inconsistent

  • Good practices



  • reversed

    • instead of Comparator COMPARATOR = (x1,x2) -> x2.price - x1.price; to ????

  • lambda

    • Comparator c = (d1, d2) -> d1.age - d2.age;

    • refactor to use comparator constructor method

      • Comparator COMPARATOR = (x1,x2) -> x1.price - x2.price; to Comparator.comparingInt(x -> x.price);

  • Old way

    • Example >???

  • Chainging comparing


  • passing into sorted() and sort()



Collection.sort or stream.sorted()




  • Write Efficient Bug-free and Simple Comparators in Java - JEP Café episode 17



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