

  • Patterns are just a common solution, to a common problem using a ubiquitous language

    • ease to describe and discuss them

    • patterns can be the same, but be different in terms of their aims

  • Patterns occurs not just object oriented code, but in other areas see Types of patterns

    • patterns can language specific, ie see effective java by Bloc

  • In essence, they are used to make code more changeable.

  • Depending on the language used, or libraries, or tech, these will either implement these patterns (fill in the gaps) or make them redundant

Types of patterns

  • code

    • functional

    • oo

  • language specific

  • integration

  • module

  • architectural

  • database

  • tests

  • ops - CI, deployments, platform, builds,

  • workflow

  • concurrency

  • enterprise

  • front end

  • security

  • Debugging

  • team patterns

    • conventions

  • department patterns


  • people can be over eager, in implementing patterns, when they are not needed

  • Only use them if they improve some aspect (NFR) which is needed

  • patterns over usage can increase complexity for no reason




Updated for java 8


Last updated