What is it?
A way of running all your tests
packaging a deployable app (ie jar, docker image)
Compile application, test sources, resources
Run any pre requirements for build or creating app ie recreating database or environment variables
Store app/jar and metadata on local class path (to use as library in other app)
Store app/jar and metadata on external repository (ie artifactory/ maven central)
Can have separate steps of build, ie run separate steps, run database recreate
Types of build libraries
Bash scripts
Use a build wrapper
This is some extra files, which allows any user to run the build tool (and its functions) on any machine, by fixing the build tool version (and downloading it if necessary)
Should run before commiting the code changes, makes sure all tests are passing, past behviour is not breaking.
Can run on CI step (ie when pushed changes to repo (Github), runs the build to makes sure this the version and application that can be deployed to an environment ie prod/test)
Build should be as short as possible
Reduce amount of I/O operations locally
ie html output of acceptance tests is not need for local build, but for CI build (so that analysts or testers can read the documentated tests)
Reduce the amount of expensive objects/actions (take time to load/create)
ie create the server of the application only once, instead of doing for each test or test class. If using a live server, run the application at the beginning of all the tests that need it.
The in the app should use object pooling for expensive objects, ie database connections
Reduce the amount of network calls
tests should use a stub
call a mock of a class which does the http calls
Call the methods via http and not over tcp/ip
Have another server up and running where the calls make a http/tcp/ip call to
Reduce the amount of database calls
tests should use stub ie map/array
Use test database, not prod (test containers)
Use the testing pyramid
There should be integration tests to check integration points are working ie database calls are working
End to end tests, to check the full flow
Have an up and running database, network calls to a stub (ie wiremock)
Run tests concurrently.
Run concurrently in the same jvm
Run concurrently on multiple jvms
Build should give quick feedback
Should fail fast
Give good feedback
use good testing framework with good feedback
logs should be enabled
Tests should not interfere with each other
Tests should not share state with each other, so can be run in parallel
Issues with running build
Running a build means running all your tests to make sure that specific build is a candidate for deployment
The larger the project gets (or more features it adds) the number of tests increases
This leads to long build times, either locally or on CI. Which is bad for fast feed back
How to decrease time taken to improve lower time of build
Separate unit tests from end to end and integration Tests
Run unit tests first, this will be fast, and if this fails get fast feed back
The longer running tests (E2E and integration) are run later, after the unit tests pass
This may mean separating unit tests into one module and E2E and integration tests into anothe module. where the jars/binaries are run during separate stages of the build
Probably not best for early stages of projects
Can use build tool to run different packages, and to fail fast depending on the package, and order what packages to test first
surefire and failsafe for maven
Reduce the number of integration, E2E and module tests
edge cases, lots of different cases can be done via a unit test
Add a link between the tests to keep track
One E2E for one case, and several unit/documentation tests for the other cases (as long as they follow same logic and flow within app)
Do not replicate tests, if acceptance test tests a flow, do not repeat with unit or integration test.
If turning unit test to documentation test delete the unit test
Do not create the output (ie html) when running a local build but do it for CI
Run tests in parallel
easier for unit tests with mocks
Run only tests which affect changed, deleted or new methods/classes - dynamic tests
Reduce start up time of tests
if running E2E test and takes time to start up app, then keep the app for all the other tests
Will need to return the app to clean state before each test though
Use a docker container of the app, keep the container running until all the tests have finished
Flakey tests
This can slow down builds and reduce reliable feedback
Fix the tests
Place test in separate package, run them as part of build but do not let them fail the build, then work on them later on
Place them at the start of the build, so they fail fast, and can restart a new build
Last updated
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