IP - Internet Protocol

  • The basic protocol that instructs us on how almost all communication across internet networks must be implemented.

  • Messages over IP are often communicated in "packets",

    • which are small bundles of information (2^16 bytes).

    • Each packet has an essential structure made up of two components: the Header and the Data.

  • Header

    • Contains "meta" data about the packet and its data.

    • his metadata includes information such as

      • the IP address of the source (where the packet comes from)

      • the destination IP address (destination of the packet).

  • an IP Address

    • layer 3 property

    • Has Network and Host portion

    • is a numeric label assigned to each device connected to a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication

    • There are public and private IP addresses,

    • there are currently two versions.

      • IPv6 and is increasingly being adopted because IPv4 (4 bytes = 32 bits) is running out out numerical addresses.

  • other protocols are built on top of IP,

    • like frameworks built on languages

  • Network vs Host

    • a.b.c.d/x

      • a,b,c,d are integers

      • x = defines the network, and the rest as host

    • Example:

      • the first 24 bits (3 bytes) are network

        • Max number of networks 2^24 and 2^8 hosts

      • the rest 8 bits are for host

      • subnet

        • subnet has a mask ie

        • used to determin if IP is in same subnet

  • Default Gateway

    • Most networks consist of hosts and a default gateway

    • when host A want to talk to B directly if both are inthe same subnet, thus use mac address

      • OW A sends it to someone who might know the gateway

    • Has an IP add and each host should konw it's gateway

  • https://youtu.be/o5S0-_vniiM The Beauty of the Internet Protocol hassan nasser

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