Good coder

  • This is linked to the level that you are (junior,mid,senior etc), and thus linked to how much renumeration you receive

  • The more you are renumerated, the higher you are valued

    • Does not mean that you are good coder, could be you are indispensible (ie only one that knows the system, can fix things etc)

    • More money you make is dependent on how much money you bring in

  • The judgement on your level is dependent on

    • the people assessing you and their perception from

      • other coders

        • colleagues and ex colleagues

        • others (from open source, conferences, forums etc)

      • the business

      • recruiters

    • Facts

      • code metrics etc

    • The experience you have

      • the systems

      • business domain

      • tech stack

      • foundations (CS, design, knowledge etc)

      • past work experience

  • Others will decide this

    • From title given

    • renumeration

    • Conversations

    • tests

    • interviews

    • REsume

    • workign with you

  • Some other ideas of what a good coder is:

    • You solve problems

      • know to use the right tools, processes, technologies within the constraints to solve the problem

    • Get things done and working

      • meet the needs of the people are asking for

      • Does not need to be elegent, super engineered etc

    • Always learning and improving

      • when dont know, says so and learns

    • Have opinions, but changeable

    • Using scientific method

    • They know the industry that they work in, and the requirements and build solutions for these

      • Listen and ask questions

      • Knowing about the trees and how they affect the forest, and vice versa

    • Learn from mistakes, from customers.users to build better systems faster

    • automate tasks to improve performance, effectiveness, efficiency in a cost effective manner within economic constraints

    • You allow your client (business/boss/company etc) to gain value from the work you do

      • The more value you add the more value they gain, and this should be exponential in cases

    • Help the company make money or save money

      • create features, improve usability

      • increase speed at which code can be extended and maintained

      • Reduce buggy code

    • Provide direct input to systems that

      • interact with the customer

      • help the business do business tasks

    • Provide input to systems that indirectly help the business

    • Help improve others to be better to improve the business

    • Work with a range of people

    • People come to you for answers, help, ideas

    • People come to you work on a project

    • Simplifies


Last updated