
ORM - object relational mappers

A pattern that allows the use of a mapper to convert between code (ie java) to database language(ie sql)

Disadvantages of using orms

  • Close coupling of data and business layer

  • Lack of control in how ORM implements SQL

  • https://completedeveloperpodcast.com/episode-38/

  • https://completedeveloperpodcast.com/episode-111/

  • https://wozniak.ca/blog/2014/08/03/1/index.html?utm_source=tuicool&amp%3Butm_medium=referral

  • https://blog.oio.de/2016/05/12/orm-vs-sql-when-should-i-use-a-sql-centric-persistence-layer/

  • https://www.yegor256.com/2014/12/01/orm-offensive-anti-pattern.html


  • https://dev.to/kirekov/junit-5-link-tests-with-task-tracker-issues-2fif

  • https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Object-relational_mapping

  • https://medium.com/@krzychukosobudzki/repository-design-pattern-bc490b256006

  • http://blog.sapiensworks.com/post/2014/06/02/The-Repository-Pattern-For-Dummies.aspx


A popular ORM for java.

  • https://thoughts-on-java.org/hibernate-getting-started/

Object mapping

  • https://thorben-janssen.com/object-mapper-dto/

    • Using entities which is linked to ORM (JPA/hibernate) and mapping to a DTO which is independent

    • There are libraries that does this

    • Entities have overheader, while DTO dont

    • DTO are better for separating concerns between business logic and database impl

    • mapping libraries cause DTO to have downsides of entities

Last updated