Reuse existing interfaces

  • Instead of creating a new interface, reuse one that already exists

    • especially those that are part of the language or common libraries


  • Reduce bloat

    • Having too many interfaces can make the code too hard to follow

  • Reduce cognitive load

    • Existing interfaces mean the devs are already comfortable with them


  • Interface is a contract for a specific usage, although abstract it might not be abstract enough for use in multiple places

    • Just because an interface is available, and can be used, does not mean it should be used, think about what the interface is for


  • Strategy Pattern

    • Instead of new interface, use a Function<INPUT,OUTPUT> or Consumer

      • Can have another interface but that extends theses

    • The implementors will just implement this interface, and override this method

    • These interfaces are single method interfaces, and thus lambdas/method ref can be used

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