How to do a story

Here is a way of dev completing stories. It is not one striaght through process but iterative.

  • Pick story from backlog, only if it ready and team is within WIP limit

  • Researching story

    • Similar stories - look for tests, look for code

    • Making notes for kickoff

  • Kick off

    • gather stakeholder (ba/testers/ others)

    • Discuss Stories

    • Make notes

      • What is expected, tests to be documented

      • Answer any queries from the questions from research

      • Areas that will be affected (DB/performance testing/other apps etc)

      • Deadlines

  • Story Champion

    • Some one who sticks with story from the beginning to the end (or there for the longest)

    • Point of contact for BA/testers

  • TODOs in jira

    • What needs to be done

    • In table format, two columns: action and done.

    • When done put tick, or put messsage/action taken, or waiting

  • Notes in jira

    • Any notes relatign to the story

    • any correspondence with stakeholders, that is relevant

    • files (patches, documentations, examples of api etc)

    • Anything in code that might affect the story (Current behaviour or issues with future behaviour)

  • Development

    • ATDD and TDD

      • Start with acceptance test

        • Look for similar tests, or methods already created

      • When going into classes, doing more complex flows need to TDD

      • Check that wording of acceptance test is good, everything is logged correctly, notes added (story numbers, links to other tests)

      • Look to break tests

      • Refactor prod and test code, make code better for next user or to be able to do the story

      • Debug when test fails, then solve

    • Using diagrams

    • pairing

    • Comms with BA

      • Throughout developing the story, there might be decisions that need to be approved by the BA

    • Add and complete todos in code

      • instead of getting side tracked, look to write todo comments

        • mentioning story number ie // TODO: PHO-123 - blah blah

      • This will help stay focused on passing the test or refactoring

    • Other projects that need to change, used as libraries

      • use DEV-SNAPSHOT

      • inform others who might have a dependency on it

  • Commiting

    • Checking changes to see if good

      • remove unneeded imports, fix styling

    • Write commit message - story, who worked on it, description of changes

    • commit on green build, fix other broken areas

    • Small logical commits

  • Pushing to repository

    • Make sure CI build is running

    • monitor CI build

  • Fixing builds

    • locally

    • after CI failure

  • Other projects that need to change, repeat the above

  • Splitting work

    • During the story, it might be larger than expected, this is when new stories should be created. If there is work that will take more than half a day, put it in another story. Stories should not last more than 3 days.

  • Before signing off, start the application, and do a quick manual test to see if it is actually working

    • The end to end test should do this, but this might not be the case

  • Sign off

    • What was completed, go through tests

    • Discuss with tester how to test if not routine

  • Link acceptance/documentation tests to jira

  • When done, all todos are done (jira/code), inform analyst to have a look

    • This may come back with changes to the tests (naming) to improve documentation or logs/req/rsp may not be correct and code changes will need to happen.

    • This may invovle discussions, as to whether it is appropriate or feasible for the story.

  • When testers pick this up, then they may need help or clarification from devs who worked on the story

    • This can happen sometime after the story, so there may be a bit of context switch.

Last updated